Aaron Hills was president of Texas Holiness University. Hills was so heavily influenced by Charles G. Finney that he wrote a book about Finney's life. Hills was part of the Holiness movement, which emphasized that the process of salvation involves two crises. In the first, conversion or justification, one is freed from the sins he has committed. In the second, entire sanctification or full salvation, one is liberated from the flaw in his moral nature that causes him to sin.


Sermon 1 -- Dying To Live
Sermon 2 -- Eternal Live
Sermon 3 -- Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Sermon 4 -- Mocking At Sin
Sermon 5 -- A Savor of Life Unto Life, Or of Death Unto Death
Sermon 6 -- The Personal Element of Religion
Sermon 7 -- What is Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him?
Sermon 8 -- The Cleansing Baptism
Sermon 9 -- The Second Blessing in Experience, in Theology and in Scripture
Sermon 10 -- Resisting the Holy Ghost

The Uttermost Salvation

1. The Uttermost Salvation
2. Holy Like God
3. Cleansing From All Sin
4. How To Obtain The Blessing Of Sanctification
5. Pledge Of Faith
6. Any Man's Lawyer
7. The Sin-principle Condemned To Death
8. Death Or Glory, Which?
9. The Promise Of The Father
10. Moral Insanity
11. Things That Accompany Salvation
12. Receiving The Holy Ghost
13. A Man Of God Unsanctified
14. The Will Of God
15. The Reason For Our Hope
16. Sanctified Wholly
17. Sanctified By Faith
18. Finished Sin
19. A Two-fold Disease And A Double Cure
20. God's Keeping


1.What Christ Said About Holiness
2. What Paul Said About Holiness
3. What Paul Said About Holiness (Continued)
4. What Paul Said About Holiness (Continued)
5. What Paul Said About Holiness (Continued)
6. What Peter Said About Holiness
7. What James and John Said About Holiness
8. What Holiness Is
9. It Brings Power
10. Holiness Rejected Makes Strange Bedfellows
11. Holiness Rejected Produces a Worldly and Barren Ministry
12. Holiness Rejected Produces a Godless Christianity
13. The Heavenly Vision

Pentecost Rejected; And Its Effect On The Churches

CHAPTER 1 Pentecost Rejected; and its effect on the churches
CHAPTER 2 The Denial of the Heart-cleansing Work of the Holy Ghost
CHAPTER 3 What this Pentecostal Blessing is which People are Rejecting, and how it may be Obtained
CHAPTER 4 Pentecost Received Results in Walking with God and Separation from the World