By Aaron Merritt Hills


This collection of sermonettes, originally prepared for the religious press of this country and England, has been made in response to the oft-repeated requests of many people. They seem to have been used by God to bless many souls.

More than fifty years ago, we settled it irrevocably that we would live to that end, and that it should be the supreme purpose of life. The joy of that decision has kept pace with us through all the years. By voice and pen, in the pulpit and the class-room, in public and in private, we have been at this glorious work of helping to save men from sin, and bring the wanderers back to their Father's house. Than this we can conceive of no higher work or greater joy.

Should this book prove helpful to Christian workers, it may be followed by others. What else is worth living for but the kingdom of God?

Yours in Christ,

A. M. Hills

Pasadena College