Phillip Goodman is the vicepresident of Thy Kingdom Come, Inc., and was the founder of The Spiritual ArmorProject prophecy ministry, which he directed for 10 years. He is a Vietnam veteran, and was the director of the award winningAdult and Community education program for the Tulsa Public Schools for 21years, and has taught at Tulsa Community College.He has conducted prophecy seminars in both Canada and the U.S.
Thy Kingdom Come, Inc. is aministry dedicated to encouraging and strengthening faith in Jesus Christwithin the context of the emerging prophetic events of our age. Mr. Goodman, an ordained minister, togetherwith Dr. Pack, utilizes seven main avenues of outreach through the ministry of Thy KingdomCome, Inc:
1. The annual ProphecyConference
2. Production of "Prophecy-In-Pictures", aninternet teaching ministry which isalso called the "Web Cast"
3. A web page with teaching materials
4. Thebi-weekly Email News Update
5. Monthly Prophecy Retreats
6. The bi-monthly, "Spirit of Prophecy" news-magazine
7. Weekly television broadcast, "Prophecy Watch" featuringCharles Pack and Phillip Goodman teaching Bible prophecy in light of currentday events.
Thy Kingdom Come,Inc.'s 12 page bi-monthly news-magazine, "The Spirit of Prophecy", isnow in its 30th year of printing. It is filled with articles pertaining tocurrent events relating to prophecy such as "The Decline of America","Signs of the Times", "Persecution of Christians", and muchmore.
Goodman’s book, The Assyrian Connection,which traces the origins of the Antichrist and documents the sequence of theevents of the End Time, has prompted interviews on both radio and TV across thecountry. He published The Promise Watch prophecy newsletter, and hascontributed to the prophecy books "Piercing the Future" and"Probing the Millennium."
Goodman teaches that the prophetic signs ofour day seem to indicate that the time is near for the Great Tribulation andthe Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth to set up His Kingdom. Hebelieves that, prior to those events, our Lord will come without warning totake true believers to Heaven in an event called the Rapture.
It is the goal of Phillip Goodman and ThyKingdom Come, Inc., to reach people worldwide with the Gospel of salvation throughJesus Christ by the teaching of Bible Prophecy. They desire to alert the Bodyof Christ to the imminent fulfillment of Bible Prophecy, underscoring theurgency to live, "by every word that proceedethout of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
In, The ComingAntichrist, Phillip Goodman gives a very interesting description of the soon comingrise of the antichrist.
Onemust note that the term “antichrist” (antichristos)means “against Christ.” He is not “in place” of Christ, which is themeaning of the term “psuedochristos” or “falseChrist,” for he has magnified himself above “every so-called god or object ofworship.” In Matthew 24, the Antichrist is eluded to in verse 15, but isthen followed by the appearance of many false Christs(plural, vv. 23-26). This implies that the Antichrist will displayhimself as God in the Temple,and then commission his “anointed” messianic emissaries to certify his falsepeace act with Israel. It is probable that these false Christ’s will be Jews. These gnostic-style new age“Christ-conscious” types will oppose the testimony of the 144,000 MessianicJews and seek converts to the new god of this earth, the Gentile Antichrist.
Phillip Goodmandoesn't try to come up with flashy new teachings. He does an excellent job ofteaching the basics of prophecy. It is rare to find people who can resist thetemptation to get sidetracked into the more speculative areas of prophecy. He takes age-old prophecy and makes it relevantand useful for both today’s prophecy-watchers and tomorrow’s seekers.
You can contact Phillip Goodman or Thy KingdomCome, Inc. at:
7301 East 14th Street
Tulsa, OK 74112-6700
Local (Tulsa, OK area residents only): 835-6978
Toll-free: 1(888) 835-6978
Review by Nicole Balnius