Dr. Ed Hindson and his wife, Donna, are natives of Detroit, Michigan. They have been married for 36 years and have three children, Linda, Christy and Jon, and four grandchildren.
Dr. Hindson is a graduate of William Tyndale College. He holds the Master of Arts (M.A.) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Grace Theological Seminary. He also earned the Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) from Trinity, the Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) from Westminster, and the Doctor of Philosophy (D. Phil.) from the University of South Africa.
Ed Hindson serves as the President of World Prophetic Ministry and as a Bible Teacher on The King Is Coming telecast. "My greatest desire is to lift up Jesus Christ and proclaim His Gospel to the entire world," Ed has said. "Serving as the President of the World Prophetic Ministry allows me to do just that!" He previously served as the associate pastor of the 9,000-member Rehoboth Baptist Church, in Atlanta, and was the former Dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University.
Dr. Hindson is known for his academic excellence and for being a practical teacher. His compassion, warm personality and passion for God come through in every message. He also has a unique and profound ability to take complicated issues and make them seem simple. He has had the opportunity to personally teach Bible Survey to over 40,000 students. Alongside his teaching and speaking schedule, Dr. Hindson has had the privilege to serve as the editor of five major Study Bibles, including the Gold Medallion Award-winning Knowing Jesus Study Bible (Zondervan) and the best-selling King James Study Bible (Thomas Nelson).
He has also written over 20 books. Many of his books deal with subjects pertaining to end times prophecy, including: End Times, the Middle East, and the New World Order (July, 1991); Final Signs: Amazing Prophecies of the End Times (February, 1996): Approaching Armageddon: The World Prepares for War with God (July, 1997); Is the Antichrist Alive and Well? (July, 1998); and, most recently, Antichrist Rising : The Coming Global Storm (January 2003).
Dr. Hindson’s book, Earth’s Final Hour: Are we Really Running Out of Time? (July, 1999), is a balanced look at the unfolding of Bible prophecy in a wildly chaotic world. It seeks to answer some of today’s most pressing questions, like:
- Can I still believe in the soon return of Christ even after A.D. 2000?
- Why have so many people miscalculated the Second Coming?
- How do the events unfolding today relate to biblical prophecies?
- How can Christ's return be imminent if there are still unfulfilled prophecies?
It is an encouraging work that seeks to direct the reader back to the Word to find the answers to these and all questions pertaining to prophesy. Earth’s Final Hour unfolds the drama of the last days while clearly painting warning signs on the path. Much of Hindson’s work focuses on warning people about the Antichrist and his soon-coming rise to power. The following is an excerpt from, Is the Antichrist Alive and Well?: Ten Keys to His Identity (July, 1998).Biblical prophecies clearly predict the rise of the Antichrist in the end times. Many people believe the great millennial end-game has already begun. As civilization speeds toward its final destiny, the appearance of a powerful world ruler is inevitable. The ultimate question facing our generation is whether he is already alive and well and moving into power.
The Bible predicts that worldwide chaos, instability, and disorder will increase as we approach the end of the age. Jesus predicted there would be "wars and rumors of wars . . . [and] famines and earthquakes in various places" (Matthew 24:6, 7). Dr. Ed Dobson observes, "The Bible also predicts that this chaos will pave the way for the rise of a new world leader who will be able to negotiate world peace and deliver on the promise of security and harmony. This world leader is a person whom most Bible students call the “Antichrist”. Ironically, the term Antichrist appears only in I John 2:18-22 and 4:3. The apostle John uses it both in the singular ("the antichrist") and in the plural ("many antichrists"). John indicates that his readers have already heard that the Antichrist is coming in the future. Then he surprises them by announcing that many antichrists have already come. He defines these lesser antichrists as liars who deny that Jesus is the Christ (2:22). In this sense, an antichrist is any false teacher who denies the person and work of Jesus Christ. Such teachers are truly anti ("against") Christ. In I John 4:1-3, John warns us to test the spirits to make sure they are from God.
The spirit of Antichrist is alive and well! It has been alive since Satan slithered his way around the Garden of Eden. It has been the driving force behind the whole terrible history of the human race—wars, murders, thefts, and rapes. ...Exerpted from "Is the Antichrist Alive and Well?"
By Ed Hindson, Harvest House Publishers, pp. 9-18It is apparent that Dr. Ed Hindson loves the word of God. In all of his writings, Mr. Hindson goes to great lengths to remind the reader to always distinguish between fact, assumption, and speculation, and he repeats this admonition often. The driving force of Dr. Hindson’s ministry is to bring other believer’s into a love relationship with scripture and non-believer’s into a love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It will soon be too late to make people see that time is short. Time, itself, will prove that to be true, so Dr. Hindson is busy at the Lord’s work while he is still able!