Daymond was born in 1939 at Trimble, Tennessee. He is the second of five children born to Herbert N. and Gracie M. Duck. They eventually moved to Dyer, Tennessee where he graduated from High School as vice-president of his class.


Daymond Duck was born in 1939 at Trimble, Tennessee. He is the second of five children born to Herbert N. and Gracie M. Duck. They eventually moved to Dyer, Tennessee where he graduated from High School as vice-president of his class. He worked his way through college graduating from the University of Tennessee with a B.S. Degree in Agriculture Engineering. In about ten years, he worked his way up in a large company from Lab Tech., to Chemist, to Lab Supervisor, to Group Leader, and finally to Supervisor of Technical and Process Services. He left the company to go into business for himself, but later took a job as a rural carrier with the U.S. Postal Service. He has twice served as Honorary State Chaplain for the Tennessee Rural Carriers.

Daymond accepted Christ when he was just 8 years old. But thinking he may have been too young he repeated his confession and baptism at the age of 17. He has served as a Sunday School teacher, an officer in the church and a Gideon. In 1979, at the age of forty, he entered the ministry. He completed the five-year Course-of-Study Program at Emory University for United Methodist Pastors. He is a bi-vocational pastor, a prophecy conference speaker, a member of the Pre-Trib Study Group in Washington, D.C., and he preaches revivals. During his second year in the ministry one of his churches won "Church of the Year" honors in his district. He retired from the Postal Service in June of 1999 to become a full time pastor.

He is the best-selling author of a shelf full of books: On The Brink an Easy-to-Understand End-Time Bible Prophecy; Revelation: God's Word for the Biblically-Inept; Daniel: God's Word for the Biblically-Inept and Prophecies of the Bible: God's Word for the Biblically-Inept. He is a contributing author to: Forewarning---The Approaching Battle Between Good and Evil; Foreshadows of Wrath and Redemption; and Piercing the Future---Prophecy and the New Millennium. His book on Revelation has been so successful that it has been adapted and published in a second version called Revelation for Teens. He is currently working with Joan Hake Robie on a book to be released in September 2002 called End Time Survival Handbook. He has been interviewed on numerous Christian radio programs, speaks at prophecy conferences, and preaches revivals. He and his loving wife, Rachel, live in Dyer, Tennessee. They have three children and four grandchildren.