Chuck Missler, with a natural aptitude for all things technical, became a ham radio operator at the young age of nine and became an airplane pilot when he was just a teen. As a high-school student, Chuck constructed a computer in the family garage.
After high-school, Missler planned to pursue a degree in electrical engineering at Stanford University but a Congressional appointment to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis interrupted his plans. Upon graduating with honors, Chuck received his commission in the Air Force. After completing flight training, he met and married Nancy. Chuck joined the Missile Program and eventually became Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles at Lowry Air Force Base.
Nancy Missler studied art at UCLA. In 1956, she and Chuck met on a blind date and then married the following year. Nancy became a Christian, and she devoted herself to raising their four children, Chip, Mark, Lisa and Michelle.
Upon leaving the military and moving into the private sector, Chuck took a job as a systems engineer with a large aerospace firm while continuing his education to earn a master's degree in engineering, at UCLA. Soon after, in 1966, Chuck established the first international computer network for Ford Motor Company.
Through the years, Chuck was involved in organizing corporate deals; serving on the board of directors for many companies; and rescuing companies in all types of financial trouble including, but not limited to, Chapter 11. In the 1970s, while still in the corporate world, Chuck led weekly Bible studies at the 30,000-member Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, in California. In 1973, He and Nancy established Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible.
As the result of a merger, Chuck became the chairman of a small, publicly owned development company which made a multi-billion dollar agreement with the Soviet Union to supply personal computers to their 143,000 schools. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose and the venture failed. The Misslers lost everything, including their home, automobiles and insurance.
Chuck’s good friend, Hal Lindsey, encouraged him to devote himself to fulltime ministry. Doug Wetmore, head of the tape ministry of Firefighters for Christ, informed Chuck that he already had a following as over 7 million copies of his taped Bible studies were scattered throughout the world. So, Koinonia House then became Chuck's full-time profession.
Nancy and Chuck now travel and teach through their ministry, Koinonia House. They “remain dedicated to create, develop and distribute materials which stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God” (
In 1992, a terrible earthquake demolished their home in Big Bear, California. So, Chuck and Nancy moved Koinonia House to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho where they are able to reach tens of thousands through the monthly newsletter, radio shows, cassette tapes, and conferences. More than eight million study tapes have now been distributed in the U.S. and in over 35 countries around the world.
One of Missler’s greatest accomplishments is his co-sponsorship of the Blue Letter Bible. The Blue Letter Bible, at, now has over 3,560,000 links onsite to over 165,000 pages of concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, images, and Bible versions. It is an amazingly complete Bible study tool for the beginner as well as the advanced student.
Missler’s book, Alien Encounters, reprinted Feb, 2003 by Koinonia House, offers answers to the questions regarding the cosmic destiny of planet Earth. Are UFOs real? Where are they from? What does the Bible say about them? This reprint also includes a new chapter on government disinformation and possible governmental cover-ups.
Another work by Missler, Cosmic Codes, (1998, Koinonia House) covers the possible hidden messages in the Bible with a study of the history of cryptology and a look at equidistant letter sequences. He covers this same issue in his 2000 book, Hidden Treasures, by discussing the possibility of subtle messages lying just "beneath" the text. Missler asserts, in this book, that these hidden messages could take the form of encryptions, deliberate misspellings, letter sequences, and other amendments to the text. Whether you believe that this is probable or even possible, these books are interesting and for some, even disturbing.
Chuck Missler is an extremely intelligent man who loves the Lord and has a heart to serve God and others. The only possible negative thing that can be said about Chuck is that he tends to speak slightly above the comprehension of most people. One woman was overheard commenting, "I have no idea what Chuck is talking about, but he must be right."
By: Nicole Balnius