"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan 12:4).
4000 BC: Canal in Mesopotamia
3500 BC: Plywood in Egypt
3500 BC: Writing in Sumer
3500 BC: Carts in Sumer
3000 BC: Drainage in the Indus Valley (India/Pakistan)
3000 BC: Bronze: Susa
3000 BC: Silk in China
3000 BC: Cement in Egypt
2800 BC: Soap in Mesopotamia
2800 BC: Button in the Indus Valley
2600 BC: Artificial sewage systems in the Indus Valley
2000 BC: Currency
2000 BC: Candles in Egypt
600s BC: Coins in Lydia
500s BC: Sugar in India
500s BC: Dental bridge in Etruria
500s BC: Trebuchet in China
400s BC: Plastic surgery: Sushruta
300s BC: Compass in China
300s BC: Screw: Archytas
200s BC: Crossbow in China
200s BC: Compound pulley: Archimedes
200s BC: Odometer: Archimedes?
150s BC: Clockwork (the Antikythera mechanism)
150s BC: Astrolabe: Hipparchus
100s BC: Parchment in Pergamon
50 AD: Mouldboard plough in Gaul
100s: Aeolipile : Egypt by Hero of Alexandria
100s: Stern mounted rudder in China
100s: Paper
200s: Wheelbarrow: Zhuge Liang
200s: Horseshoes in Germany
300s: Wootz steel in India
300s: Stirrup in China
300s: Toothpaste in Egypt
600s: Windmill in Persia
670s: Greek fire
700s: Quill pen
800s: Gunpowder in China
900s: Horse collar in Europe
900s: Solid rocket in China
1100s: Framed Bead Abacus in China
1041: Movable type printing press: Bi Sheng
1128: Cannon in China
1200s: Eyeglasses in Northern Italy
1200s: Mechanical clocks in Northern Italy
1200s: Sandpaper in China
1350: Suspension bridges in Peru
1441: Rain gauge: Jang Yeong-sil
1450: Alphabetic, movable type printing press
1451: Concave lens for eyeglasses
1498: Toothbrush in China
1510: Pocket watch
1540: Ether
1576: Ironclad warship
1581: Pendulum
1582: Gregorian calendar
1589: Stocking frame
1593: Thermometer
1600: Musket in Europe
1600: Pencil in England
1608: Telescope: Hans Lippershey
1609: Microscope: Galileo Galilei
1620: Slide rule: William Oughtred
1623: Automatic calculator
1642: Adding machine
1643: Barometer
1645: Vacuum pump
1657: Pendulum clock
1672: Steam car
1679: Pressure cooker
1698: Steam engine
1700: Piano
1701: Seed drill
1709: Iron smelting using coke
1712: Steam piston engine
1710: Thermometer
1711: Tuning fork
1714: Mercury thermometer
1730: Mariner's quadrant
1731: Sextant: John Hadley
1742: Franklin stove
1752: Lightning rod
1764: Spinning jenny
1767: Carbonated water
1769: Steam engine
1769: Steam car
1776: Steamboat
1777: Circular saw
1783: Parachute
1783: Hot air balloon
1784: Bifocals
1784: Argand lamp
1784: Shrapnel shell
1785: Power loom
1785: Automatic flour mill
1786: Threshing machine
1793: Cotton gin
1793: Optical telegraph
1797: Cast iron plow
1798: Vaccination
1798: Lithography
1799: Seeding machine
1800: Electric battery
1802: Gas stove
1804: Locomotive
1808: Band saw
1809: Arc lamp
1811: Gun Breechloader
1814: Steam Locomotive
1816: Miner's safety lamp
1816: Stethoscope
1817: Kaleidoscope
1819: Breech loading flintlock
1821: Electric motor
1823: Electromagnet
1826: Photography
1826: Internal combustion engine
1827: Insulated wire
1827: Screw propeller
1827: Friction match
1830: Lawn mower
1831: Reaper
1831: Electrical generator
1834: The Hansom cab
1834: Braille system
1834: Refrigerator
1834: Combine harvester
1835: Photogenic Drawing
1835: Revolver
1835: Morse code
1835: Incandescent light bulb
1837: First US electric printing
1837: Steel plow
1837: Camera Zoom Lens
1837: Magnetic telegraph
1838: Electric telegraph
1839: Vulcanization of rubber
1840: artificial fertilizer
1842: Anaesthesia
1843: Typewriter
1843: Ice cream maker
1845: Portland cement
1845: Double tube tire
1846: Sewing machine
1846: Rotary printing press
1849: Safety pin
1849: Francis turbine
1852: Airship
1852: Passenger elevator
1852: Gyroscop
1855: Bunsen burner
1855: Bessemer process
1856: First celluloids
1858: Undersea telegraph cable
1858: Shoe sole sewing machine
1858: Mason jar
1859: Oil drill
1859: rechargable storage battery
1860: Linoleum
1860: Repeating rifle
1860: Self-propelled torpedo
1862: Revolving machine gun
1862: Mechanical submarine
1862: Pasteurization
1863: Player piano
1865: Roller Coaster
1865: Barbed wire: Louis Jannin
1866: Dynamite
1868: First practical typewriter
1868: Air brake (rail)
1868: Oleomargarine
1869: Vacuum cleaner
1870: Magic Lantern projector
1870: Stock ticker
1871: Cable car (railway)
1871: Compressed air rock drill
1872: Adding machine
1873: Railway knuckle coupler
1873: Modern direct current electric motor
1874: Electric street car
1875: Dynamo
1876: Carpet sweeper
1876: Loudspeaker
1877: Stapler
1877: Induction motor
1877: Phonograph
1877: Electric welding
1877: Twine Knotter
1877: Microphone
1878: Cathode ray tube
1878: Transparent film
1879: Pelton turbine: Lester Pelton
1879: Automobile engine
1879: Cash register
1879: Automobile (Patent)
1880: Roll film
1880: Safety razor
1880: Seismograph
1881: Metal detector
1882: Electric fan
1882: Electric flat iron
1883: Auto engine - compression ignition
1883: two-phase (alternating current) induction motor
1884: Linotype machine
1884: Fountain pen
1884: Punched card accounting
1884: Trolley car, (electric)
1885: Automobile - internal combustion engine powered
1885: Automobile, differential gear
1885: Motor cycle
1885: Alternating current transformer
1886: Dishwasher
1887: Monotype machine
1887: Contact lens
1887: Gramophone record
1888: Kodak hand camera
1888: Ballpoint pen
1888: Pneumatic tube tire
1891: Automobile Storage Battery
1891: Zipper
1891: Carborundum
1893: Carburetor
1893: Wireless communication
1893: Radio: Nikola Tesla
1894: Radio transmission
1895: Diesel engine
1895: Radio signals
1895: Shredded Wheat
1896: Steam turbine
1896: Electric stove
1897: Automobile, magneto
1897: Modern escalator
1898: tapered roller bearing
1898: Remote control
1899: Iron-Mercury coherer with telephone detector
1899: Automobile self starter
1899: Magnetic tape recorder
1899: Gas turbine
1900: Rigid dirigible airship
1900: Self-heating can
1901: Improved wireless transmitter
1901: Instant coffee
1901: Mercury vapor lamp
1901: Disposable razor blade
1901: Vacuum cleaner
1902: Radio magnetic detector
1902: Air Conditioner
1902: Neon lamp
1902: Radio telephone
1902: Rayon
1903: Electrocardiograph (EKG)
1903: Powered airplane
1903: Windshield wiper
1904: Tractor
1907: Color photography
1907: Helicopter
1907: Radio amplifier
1907: Vacuum cleaner, (electric)
1907: Washing machine, (electric)
1908: Cellophane
1908: Geiger counter
1908: Gyrocompass
1908: Tea bag: Thomas Sullivan
1909: Monoplane: Henry W. Walden
1909: Bakelite
1909: Gun silencer
1911: Air conditioner
1911: Cellophane
1911: Hydroplane
1913: Cracking process for Gasoline
1913: Double acting wrench
1913: Radio receiver, cascade tuning
1913: Stainless steel
1913: X-Ray
1914: Radio transmitter
1914: Liquid fuel rocket
1914: Tank, military
1915: Tungsten Filament
1915: Searchlight arc
1915: Radio tube oscillator
1915: Pyrex
1916: Browning Gun
1916: Thompson submachine gun
1916: Incandescent gas lamp
1917: Sonar echolocation
1917: Cruise missile
1918: Superheterodyne receiver
1918: Interrupter gear
1918: Radio crystal oscillator
1918: Pop-up toaster
1921: Polygraph
1922: Radar
1922: Technicolor
1922: Water skiing
1923: Sound film
1923: Television Electronic
1923: Wind tunnel
1924: frozen food
1926: Aerosol spray
1927: Mechanical cotton picker
1927: PEZ Candy
1928: Sliced bread
1928: Electric dry shaver
1928: Antibiotics
1928: Preselector gearbox
1929: Kinescope
1929: X-Ray motion picture camera
1930: Neoprene
1930: Nylon
1930: Underwater Motion Picture Camera
1931: the Radio telescope
1931: Iconoscope
1935: microwave radar
1935: Trampoline
1935: Spectrophotometer
1936: Pinsetter (bowling)
1937: Turboprop engine
1937: Jet engine
1937: O-ring
1938: Ballpoint pen
1938: Fiberglass
1939: FM radio
1939: Helicopter
1939: View-master
1939: Automated teller machine
1942: Bazooka Rocket Gun
1942: Undersea oil pipeline
1943: Aqua-Lung
1944: Electron spectrometer
1945: Slinky
1945: Nuclear weapons
1946: Microwave oven
1946: Mobile Telephone Service
1946: Computer
1947: Transistor
1947: Polaroid camera
1948: Long Playing Record
1948: Holography
1949: Atomic clocks
1951: Liquid Paper
1951: Nuclear power reactor
1952: Optical fiber
1952: Fusion bomb
1952: Hovercraft
1953: Medical ultrasonography
1954: Transistor radio
1954: Geodesic dome
1955: Velcro
1955: Hair spray
1955: Hard Drive
1956: Digital clock
1956: Videocassette recorder
1957: Bubble Wrap
1958: Integrated circuit
1958: Communications satellite
1959: Snowmobile
1960: Laser
1961: Optical disc
1961: Cochlear implant
1962: Light-emitting diode
1962: Space observatory
1963: Computer mouse
1967: Automatic Teller Machine
1967: Hypertext
1968: Video game console
1969: ARPANET (first wide-area packet switching network)
1971: E-mail
1971: Liquid Crystal Display
1971: Microprocessor
1971: Pocket calculator
1971: Magnetic resonance imaging
1971: Floppy Disk
1972: Computed tomograph
1973: Ethernet
1973: Genetically modified organism
1973: Personal computer
1974: Rubik's Cube
1974: Hybrid vehicle
1975: Digital camera
1976: Gore-Tex fabric
1977: Personal stereo
1977: Cellular mobile phone
1978: Spreadsheet
1981: Scanning tunneling microscope
1983: Camcorder
1983: Internet: first TCP/IP network
1984: Lithotripsy
1985: Polymerase chain reaction
1985: DNA fingerprinting
1986: Breadmaker
1987: Statin
1987: Digital Light Processing
1990: World Wide Web
1993: Global Positioning System
1993: Blue LED
1997: Non-mechanical Digital Audio Player
1997: DVD
1997: Wi-Fi
1998: Viagra
2001: Digital satellite radio
2001: Self-contained Artificial heart
2002: Scramjet