William T. James (Terry) has produced a number of books involving Bible prophecy and its impact upon the world today. With most of his books Terry acts the general editor, gathering analysis and insight by some of America's foremost writers, broadcasters and other experts in the field. Terry was kind enough to allow me to host several chapters from five of his most recent books.

The Porpoise Driven Life A critique of Warren's book
Jacob's Trouble 666 End time novel
Adam's Apples A prophetic millennium
Children's novel

1. Characteristics of
End-Time Man - by William T. James
2. Israel: The Clear Signal
- by William T. James
3. The Rapture - by David
4. Europe
and the Prince That Shall Come - by David Breese
5. Antichrist, Armageddon,
and... - by John Walvoord
6. The Shout Heard Around the
World - by Thomas Ice
7. Gathering Clouds of Global
Godlessness - by Bill Perkins
8. False Peace: The
Pseudo-Storm Shelter - by Randall Price
9. Forecasting Earth's Furious
Finish - by Phil Arms
10. Forewarning the Future
Fuhrer - by Daymond R. Duck
11. Judgment at Jerusalem
- by David Allen Lewis
12. Asia's Armageddon Army
- by Michael Hile
13. Is Silence Golden? -
by Joseph Carr
Israel - The Heart of Prophecy - by David Allen Lewis
15. The New World Order of
Prophecy - by Robert Lindsted
16. Cyclone of Apocalypse
- by Dave Breese
17. Flashes of Falling Away
- by Dave Hunt
18. Peace Be Still - by
William T. James
19. Will God Destroy Russia?
- by Tim LaHaye
20. Satan's War against God
- by Henry Morris
21. Day's of Our Lives -
by William T. James
22. When Millions Vanish!
- by William T. James
23. The Roman Empire's
Greatest Caesar - by Dave Breese
24. The Ultimate Hiding Place
- by David Webber
25. All the King's Men...
- by Dave Breese
26. Why We Watch - by Dr.
John F. Walvoord
27. Rapture:
Fascinating Discoveries! - by Grant Jeffrey
28. False Christs, False
Prophets, Deceivers Arise - by Bob Anderson
29. Famines, Pestilence,
Earthquakes - by Lester Sumerall
30. Perilous Times in a
Wicked Generation - by Steve Butler
31. Decline and Fall of the
American Family - by Chuck Missler
32. The Great Physician's RX
for Mankind - by John Wesley White
33. Globalism's Siren Song - William T. James
34. The Psychic Guide Dogs - Bob Anderson
35. Tidal Wave of Apostasy - Grant Jeffrey
36. Kings of the East lust Westward - Chuck Missler
37. The Mideast March to Megiddo - Paul Feinberg
38. United Europe's Power Play - Arno Froese
39. Escape from Planet Earth - John F. Walvoord
40. Bridge over the Abyss - William T. James
41. Royal Ambassadors' End Time Diplomacy - David Benoit
42. Man Targeted for Extinction - David Benoit
43. European Union on the Brink - Arno Froese
44. Globalist Rife at the Throttle - Dave Breese
45. End-Time Man: Personal Characteristics - Joseph R. Chambers
46. False Christs, False Prophets, Great Deception - Ed Hindson
47. Russia on Edge - Tim LaHaye
48. Wars and Rumors of Wars - Daymond R. Duck
49. Rising Sun Nations on the Move - Tim LaHaye
50. Israel on the Spot - Zola Levitt
51. People of Apocalypse - Randall Price
52. Distress of Nations with Perplexity - Gary Hedrick
53. From Armageddon to the Millennium - John Walvoord
54. Doors to the Future - William T. James
55. Daniel's Last-Days flood - William T. James
56. Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes - William T. James

If you have any comments you'd like to make to Terry
James, you can reach him at: wtjames1@swbell.net
Terry's book Piercing the Future can be purchased at: