A. Edwin Wilson - During the years 1953 through 1970, the written ministry of Rev. A. Edwin Wilson regularly reached the homes of many Christians throughout the country via a religious periodical published under his direction. The articles in this periodical covered a broad range of biblical subjects and came from the pen of an individual who, through many years of prayer, study and meditation upon the Scriptures, was pre-eminently qualified to write on these subjects.
01. Prophecy - Signs
02. Israel and the Gospel
03. Distinctions and Dispensations
04. Types and Antitypes
05. Mysteries of the Kingdom
06. The Overcomers
07. Milk and Meat
08. Salvation of the Soul
09. Kings of the Kingdom
10. Ruling and Reigning in the Kingdom
11. Resurrection
12. Go Ye Out To Meet Him
13. The Word Became Flesh
14. Prophet-Priest-King
15. Signs - Wonders - Miracles
16. The Christian and Politics
17. Tithing
18. Office and Work of Deacons
19. Questions and Answers
20. Outlines
21. Miscellaneous Writings