Nothing is more wonderful than to have made the right choice, and to have become a true Christian in the early years. This decides and determines how all your other life choices, conductand relations will turn out, here and hereafter. It saves the terrible risk of losing your own soul, and wasting your life in sin, and the dragging of others down to eternal sorrow where there is no glad tomorrow. How wonderful to live a godly life from your own childhood, and be an honor andblessing to your home and all others.
Then to find the will and plan of God for your life, and live a happy and useful and successful life for God and others, and to lay up treasures in heaven, and meet your record there without fear, how wonderful.
Then added to all this, to marry a godly companion and have a happy home on earth,surpassed only by and in the one in heaven, and have a family reunion in heaven without the loss of one. Then to leave behind a clean record and influence that will live on after you are gone. Only the life lived for Christ will last and bring an eternal reward, where life is eternal.
Let us live so here that we shall be glad to live that way forever.