Albert Simpson was the third son and fourth child of James Simpson, Jr., and Janet Clark. His family’s strict Calvinistic Scottish Presbyterian and Puritan background formed Albert’s view of his spiritual standing. Simpson served as the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Louisville, Kentucky and New York City. A reporter asked Dr. Simpson, “Do you know when the Lord is coming?” He replied "Yes," and told the reporter to write down, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto the nations and then shall the end come" (Mat. 24:14).
The Spirit Of Holiness
Walk in the Spirit
Preserved Blameless
How To Abide
Tarrying By The Stuff
Aggressive Christianity
Chapter 1: The Possibilities of Faith A Larger Christian Life
Chapter 2: The Joy of the Lord
Chapter 3: Filled with the Spirit
Chapter 4: The Larger Life
Chapter 5: The Death of Self
Chapter 6: More than Conquerors
Chapter 7: Grace Abounding
Chapter 8: From Strength to Strength
Chapter 9: God's Measureless Measures
Chapter 10: Spiritual Growth
Chapter 11: Enlarged Work
Service For The King
Chapter 1: Power For Service
Chapter 2: Motives To Service
Chapter 3: instruments Of Service
Chapter 4: Personal Responsibility
Chapter 5: Partnership With God
Chapter 6: Words For Discouraged Workers
Chapter 7: Finishing Our Work
Chapter 1: Living In The Spirit Walking In the Spirit
Chapter 2: Walk in the Spirit
Chapter 3: Person And Attributes Of The Holy Ghost
Chapter 4: Offices And Relations Of The Holy Ghost
Chapter 5: Emblems And Aspects Of The Holy Spirit
Chapter 6: The Spirit Of Light
Chapter 7: The Spirit Of Holiness
Chapter 8: The Spirit Of Life
Chapter 9: The Spirit Of Comfort
Chapter 10: The Spirit Of Love
Chapter 11: The Spirit Of Power
Chapter 12: The Spirit Of Prayer
Chapter 13: Co-operating With The Holy Ghost
Chapter 14: Hindering The Holy Spirit
Chapter 1: Wholly Sanctified Wholly Sanctified
Chapter 2: A Sanctified Spirit
Chapter 3: A Sanctified Soul
Chapter 4: A Sanctified Body
Chapter 5: Preserved Blameless