[Before leaving South Africa, wife wanted to pronounce a final benediction, especially upon the ministry. Hence she re-printed the following tract which I had written nearly forty years ago and sent it out to over 300 ministers of various denominations. Many appreciated it and went to digging for fresh oil. One able minister wrote that he was guilty of everything herein named. We give it again that others may be helped.]
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The following are some of the features and manifestations of carnality:
Reader, the Spirit ALONE can interpret and apply this tract to your individual case. As you read, examine yourself as if in the immediate presence of God. Do you ever feel
1. A secret sense of pride; an exalted feeling in view of your success or position; because of your good training and appearance; because of your natural gifts and abilities; an important, independent spirit; stiffness and preciseness; married to your opinion?
2. Love of human praise; a secret fondness to be noticed; love of supremacy; drawing attention to self in conversation; a swelling out of the ego when you have had a free time in speaking or praying!
3. The stirrings of anger or impatience -- but worst of all you call it nervousness or holy indignation; a touchy, sensitive spirit; a disposition to resent and retaliate when reproved or contradicted; sharp, heated flings at another?
4. Self will; a stubborn, unteachable spirit; an arguing, talkative spirit; harsh, sarcastic expressions; an unyielding, headstrong disposition; a driving, commanding spirit; a disposition to criticize and pick flaws when set aside and unnoticed; a peevish, fretful spirit; a disposition that loves to be coaxed and humored?
5. Carnal fear, a man-fearing spirit; a shrinking from reproach and duty; reasoning around the cross; a shrinking from doing your whole duty by those of wealth or position; a fearfulness that some one will get out of the Spirit and thus offend and drive some prominent person away; a compromising, holding-back spirit?
6. A jealous disposition; a secret spirit of envy shut up in your heart; an unpleasant sensation in view of the great prosperity and success of another; a disposition to speak of the faults and failings rather than the gifts and virtues of those more talented and appreciated than yourself?
7. Lustful stirrings; unholy actions, a carnal leaning; undue affection and familiarity toward those of the opposite sex; wandering eyes; looking the second time?
8. A dishonest, deceitful disposition; evading and covering the truth; covering up your real faults; leaving a better impression of yourself than is strictly true; false humility; exaggeration; straining the truth when it is to your advantage?
9. Unbelief; a spirit of discouragement in times of pressure and opposition; lack of quietness and confidence in God; lack of faith and trust in God; a disposition to worry and complain in the midst of pain, poverty, or at the dispensations of Divine Providence; an overanxious feeling whether everything will come out all right?
10. Formality and. deadness; lack of concern for lost souls; dryness and indifference; lack of power with God? Selfishness, love of ease; love of money, etc.?
These are some of the traits which generally indicate a carnal heart. If one principle is lurking there, you can depend on it, they are ALL there. By prayer and fasting hold your heart open to the searching light of God until you see the groundwork thereof. The Holy Ghost will enable you, by confession and faith, to bring your "old man'' to the death. "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.'' (Romans 6:6.) Do not patch over, but go to the bottom. It will pay. Hallelujah! (E. E. S.)
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Let Me Die
O God, my heart doth long for Thee Let me die! Let me die! Now set my soul at liberty; Let me die! Let me die! Die to the trifling things of earth, There now to me of little worth; My Savior calls -- I'm going forth; Let me die! Let me die! My friends may say I'll ruined be, If I die! If I die! If I leave all and follow Thee, But I'll die! Yes, I'll die! Their arguments will never weigh, Nor stand the trying judgment day; Help me to cast them all away, Let me die! Let me die! Thy slaying power in me display, Let me die! Let me die! I must be dead from day to day; Let me die! Let me die! Dead to the world and its applause, To all the customs, fashions, laws, Of those who hate the humbling cross; Let me die! Let me die! Oh, I must die to scoffs and sneers, Let me die! Let me die! I must be freed from slavish fears; Let me die! Let me die! So dead that no desire will rise To appear good or great or wise, In any but my Savior's eyes; Let me die! Let me die! When I am dead then, Lord, to Thee Will I live, will I live. My time, my strength, my all to Thee Will I give, will I give. I'll work for Thee, my blessed Lord; I'll be obedient to Thy Word; I'll wield with power the Gospel sword. While I live, while I live.
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Back To The Bible
Dedicated to God's Bible School
By Everett Shelhamer
Back to the Bible, Let this our motto be, Back to the grand old Book that sets us free, This is our only hope of victory, Back to the Word of God Chorus Back to the Bible, let's sing it everywhere, Back to the Bible, sent it on the air; Preach it and live it, -- to every nation give it, Back to the Word of God. Back to the Bible of comfort, peace and cheer, Shining more bright when days are dark and drear, Blessing and light leap from its pages dear, Back to the Word of God. Back to the Bible, let puny critics rave, For our Gibraltar stands the wildest wave, Still it has power the perishing to save, Back to the Word of God. Back to the Bible, sweet balm for the distressed, Highway to Canaan's holy, happy rest, Leading at last to Heaven with the blest, Back to the Word of God.