No doubt the readers of this
book have heard a thousand times, and people of about every
faith and order talk, about the ideal church, and you have often
wondered what kind of church it
was. Well, if you will listen to me a minute I believe I can tell you
just exactly what kind of church
an ideal church is.
God has given a whole Bible
to a whole world, and in this Bible we find that God has
provided a salvation from all sin for all men, provided through the
atoning blood of a crucified
Saviour. An ideal church is a church where the pastor preaches a whole
Bible, and where the
preacher himself is red-hot, for God said His ministers were a flame of
fire. Again, God's ideal
Sunday school superintendent in this ideal church is a man that is in
perfect harmony with the Bible
and with his pastor, and he is in perfect harmony with the atoning
blood of Jesus Christ, so that
makes the Sunday school superintendent blood-red. The Sunday school
teachers in such a church
would be a band of Blood-washed saints, and of course they would be
snow-white and so filled
with love and grace and glory that it would be perfectly easy for them
to impart Bible truths to
their classes.
And in an ideal church the
official board is so upright in their dealings with their fellow
man that their very lives might be said to be sky-blue, and the members
of such a church as this
would be as straight as a gunstick. And there would be so much glory in
their souls that it would be
continually shining through their faces until you could take a rag and
wipe enough heaven off the
faces of such a pastor, Sunday school superintendent, teachers,
official board, and membership that
it would put sinners under conviction throughout the length and breadth
of their community.
Then of course there would be a
revival of old-time, heartfelt, Holy Ghost religion in that
church the year round. And such a company would give one-tenth of their
income to the Lord, and
there would always be money in the treasury to pay all the running
expenses of the church. There
would never be such a thing heard of as a church entertainment; there
would be no broken china,
and no lost spoons, and no ice cream freezers to carry back home, and
of course there would never
be such a thing as a church fuss, and from such an institution would go
out pastors and evangelists,
and missionaries to all quarters of the earth would be sent out by such
a body of believers.
Such a church as this
would be an ideal church. And while probably you never saw one
just like that, you have seen some people in probably every church that
you know anything about
that were just such people as we have described. You can see at a
glance if every member in every
church were like a few that you do know, we would have such a church as
we have just described.
And this brings up another thought.
We know that it is God's
plan to save the world through the church, and every honest,
thinking, serious man will have to admit that God cannot save the world
through a worldly church.
And that proves that it is God's plan to save the world through a holy
church, and the hope of the
world today is in the church. The hope of the church is in the amount
of holiness it has in it, and the
danger of the church is in the amount of worldliness it has in it. It
is more than likely that every
division that has ever been in the church was produced by worldliness
in some and holiness in
For holiness and
worldliness have never gotten along and never will. Therefore they can
never be brought in harmony with each other and can never work
together. The object of holiness
is to leaven the whole lump and land them on the shores of eternal
bliss, while the object of
worldliness is to leaven the whole lump and sink the whole cargo into
the pit of outer darkness.
So, bless God, I am pulling for and hoping for an ideal church on
earth. While I may never see one
that everything in it is ideal, bless God, I have seen some that had
some ideal members, and, bless
God, that is encouraging.