D.L. Moody - On February 5, 1837 in Northfield, Massachusetts, Dwight Lyman Moody was born the sixth child of Edwin and Betsy Holton Moody. He started Moody Church and preached in the slums, emphasizing literal interpretation of the Bible and the need to prepare for the second coming of Christ. In 1870 he teamed up with the hymn writer Ira D. Sankey, and they began a series of highly popular revival tours in Britain and the U.S. He also founded the Bible Institute that bears his name.
1 The Qualifications for Soul-Winning
2 Christ All in All
3 Does Good Answer Prayer
4 Enduement For Service
5 Tomorrow May Be Too Late
6 Heaven - Its Hope
7 Heaven's Inhabitants
8 Hell
9 Lost And Found
10 Repentance
11 Shall We Meet Our Loved Ones Again?
12 The Holy Ghost
13 The Lord's Work
14 The Reward Of The Faithful
15 The Seven "I Will’s" of Christ
16 The Ten Commandments
17 To The Afflicted
18 What Must I Do To Be Saved?
19 "Where Art Thou?"
20 Why God Used D.L. Moody by R.A. Torrey