Chapter 14
A LOVE-FEAST -- SUNSHINE AFTER THE STORM"Ye shall be witnesses unto Me." Jesus.
"BLEST be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love,The fellowship of kindred mindsIs like to that above."
Brother Weber like Paul, has many children in the Gospel, and, like the converts in theearly church, they love to receive letters "written in his own hand" by their spiritual father. Hereceives from this source a great multitude of letters, which express the pure and ardent lovewhich the converts hear to him and to the Saviour who has rescued them from sin. A part of thereward which those who travail for souls receive is the love which those saved through theirefforts will always bear towards them.
The following extracts from the correspondence mentioned speak volumes for Jesus, andthe truths which he hits commissioned his servant to preach. As they were written with no view topublic perusal, names will not be given, but each extract is from an actual correspondent. May thetruths witnessed to, by the power of the Holy Spirit, be burned into every reader's heart.
If some of them breathe a spirit of deep devotion towards the Evangelist, what wonder?
Is it not praiseworthy for the drowning sailor to remember with ardent love the man whoperiled his life to warn him of his danger, and bear him to the life-boat?
We will not insist upon " tickets for admission," but now invite the reader to a
among those who have been converted in Brother Weber's revivals.
Heavenly Father, we pray Thee, in Jesus' name, that thy perfect love may be shed abroad inevery reader's heart, and that each testimony may be like a beautiful flower distilling its fragrancefreely for all.
"Praise the Lord, I am his for life. I am working for my Master night and day. I was over tothe church last might until half-past eleven, praying a poor boy into the kingdom. After staying onmy knees two hours and a half, he came out nicely, and is now singing for God, and so the workgoes on. Twenty-five or thirty have been born again. How good the Lord is to me and you. I cannow say I enjoy 'perfect love.' My heart and love are always with you. -- ' Charlie.'
"Jesus blesses me daily, and whenever I am tempted or in trouble of any kind I go to him,and He helps me. Blessed be the name of Jesus. He is my loving Saviour."
The above is from a youth who feels led to prepare for the ministry.
"I will say, first, the unusual interest manifested by my friends touched me. I noticed thatpeople in whom I had the utmost confidence testified to the reality of religion, that it made themhappy, made them better, and enabled them to withstand temptation. I looked about me, and foundthe best people in the community were professors. I read history, and found the best men the worldever contained were believers. . . . A great many things stood in my way, most of which wereremoved by your timely visit to my office, and I resolved to become a seeker, went to the altar thesecond night, and was praying for light when you commenced to sing
"Just as I am, without one plea,"
and a sweet-voiced little singer, S. H., who sat just in front of me, sang so sweetly, as I supposeangels sing, and I was melted. If I was to say what one thing more than another led to myconversion, it would be singing, coupled with your explanation of what constituted a Christian, andyour definition of their duties." -- J. W. T.
"My husband and I had been thinking for a bug time about making a start, but the devil kepttempting us and keeping us back. When you came you had such a way of talking, explaining things,and singing, that we could not resist any longer. That beautiful piece, 'Is my Name Written There,'kept ringing in our ears until we made a start." -- L. and J. R.
"When I think of how good God is to me, and the blessing of your love which is one of thechoicest He has bestowed, it seems as though the best efforts of my life would, indeed, be 'apresent far too small.' O precious promise! 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind isstayed on thee.' I shall never rest satisfied until I have attained perfect purity." -- J.
"I can tell you how I was converted and where. It was a week ago last Sunday evening, atthe church. You preached from ' Where shall I spend eternity?' I thought you had chosen a terribletext, but I am so glad it was the one you chose, for that evening I was brought to see how sinful Iwas. When I knelt down at the altar I said, 'God helping me, I will spend my eternity with theSaviour,' and every day I have been more thankful that I started." -- N. C.
"Some think because they try and live upright lives that they are safe, but no; I know that isthe devil's teachings. He tried to destroy me. Oh, hallelujah! Jesus saves me, saves me. The prayerof a righteous man availeth much. The Lord has given me the victory over the devil and hell. Thatstubborn will is broken, pride is gone, and the fear of the people. The blood has been applied. Mymission is to help win souls to Christ. You will remember me as the one who swallowed a quartof sunshine. I am not sad, but very happy." -- E. W.
"After you departed, I picked up the card, and read these words, 'Where will you spendyour eternity?' These words brought me to seek Jesus, and spend my eternity in heaven. When Icame to the altar they were singing, 'Just as I am,' when glorious light came into my soul, and Iknew that the Lord took me just as I was, and washed my sins away." -- L. J.
"I never received any Christian instruction when a child, but had always accepted theChristian religion until after I commenced teaching. Then I was unfortunate enough to board with afamily who were strong infidels. They had always a quantity of infidel publications around them.At first I had no inclination whatever to read them, but after a time my curiosity was aroused, and Icommenced reading Ingersoll's lectures, thinking it could do no harm. But with the first book camethe first doubt, and it was not long until I, too, said that this religion was not true. For about threeyears, I think, I never entered a church, or let a chance to sneer at the Christian religion pass.
"Last winter I was taken suddenly ill, one night in perfect health, and the next noon notexpected to live from hour to hour. While I lay there so near to death I saw things in a verydifferent light than I ever did before, and I said, If God ever lets me get well again I will become aChristian. I did so, and all my doubts are passed away, and now I have perfect peace and faith inChrist." -- N. L. G.
"I got to thinking, 'What have I to lose? what to gain?'
"I had nothing to lose but what man despised, sinner as well as saint. "What had I to gain?.
"1. The approval of God.
"2. The respect of my fellow-men.
"3. The happiness of my family.
"4. My own self-respect and a quiet conscience.
"This being fully impressed on my mind, I said, 'By God's help I will lead a different life; Iwill humble myself before Him, and go to the altar and confess my sins before God and man.' I didso, and I firmly believe He heard my prayer." -- E. J. G.
"Christ had been very near to me through the day, and at night it did not seem as though Iwas yet asleep, yet in some strange way, I know not how, it seemed as if I was sitting in mysick-chair in a large, deep valley where there were so many people, and there were great walls onall sides with ladders to ascend upon, and arches extending from one side to another, with thesewords in bright letters: ' Whosoever will may come.
"I said, 'I will go and be saved,' and immediately I went or was taken up this ladder andreached safe ground. There were many others there, and each one was handed a burning torch. Onthe handle of mine was written, 'Let your light shine.' By these torches we were to light those in thevalley up out of the darkness to the place of safety. Some had their torches down at their sides, sothat they were almost out. Others held them high, crying, ' Come, come! ' I was holding mine ashigh as I could and joining in the cry. Many were coming and many were slipping back after almostreaching the top. When I awoke, oh, what a sweet peace I realized, and what a comfort to feel thatI was holding up the light. I am so thankful that I started when I did." -- G. M.
"Knowing that there are hundreds who, like myself, are leaders in all that is wicked, it mayhelp you to know how you first interested me.
"I went first to hear you out of curiosity; second, because I was infatuated with you, and thethird time your earnestness so impressed me that I forgot all else, in listening to your subject, 'TheDance.'
"I saw you knew what you were talking about; everything looked different to me, and itmade me miserable.
"As you know, I could not give up skating; but I was miserable until I did. During thosedays I hated you. You read me, but you did not think me sincere. Through you I found God. I lovehim. Is that not enough to make one happy? I want you to pray for me, for you know how much Ihave got to fight. I joined the church on probation, Sunday morning." -- M. J. D..
"The reason that I made a start was that some of my friends said that they would start if Iwould. I thought that I had sins enough to account for without causing others to go down to hell." O.D. S.
"It was Thanksgiving eve. I had been to church, and when I returned I read a chapter andkneeled down to pray. I had said but a few words when it seemed as if the room was all lit up witha glorious light, and it seemed as if I could do nothing but say, 'Jesus, blessed Jesus.'" D. M.
"I feel that I must inform you that I am saved. I only regret that I did not become convertedbefore the hast evening you were here. It was then that the dark cloud was taken from before me,which was caused by your asking, 'Won't you come now and be saved?' My reply was, 'Sometime.'You then said, 'But sometime is never.
"I could wait no longer, and as soon as I reached home I opened my heart to God, and haveever since been walking in the light." -- A. W.
"O Brother Weber", those were the words that touched my heart, and all that long, longnight I kept thinking, Where shall I spend my eternity? Thank God I am saved. Oh, how glad I am tothink I attended that meeting." -- F. N.
"Your text was, 'Is your heart right?' During the meeting I kept asking myself, 'Is my heartright?' but it had no impression until I reached home, when I fell on my knees and asked thequestion. This time my sins all came up before me, and then I saw how far I had been from livingupright. When I had come to church again I had made up my mind to give myself to my HeavenlyFather. I did, and am so happy since then and love to tell what Jesus has done for me." -- S.
"The sermon, 'Where will you spend eternity?' together with the pleadings of my wife andother friends with a desire to serve God, led me to seek salvation, and, blessed be his name, Ifound it." -- H. F. G.
"The text 'For God so loved the world' affected me more than anything had done before. Itseemed that it was spoken especially for me.
"I thought that if God made so great a sacrifice for me, even me, that it would not be best todisregard it, and as you were talking I felt that tonight is the time chosen by God for me to give myheart to him." -- A. M.
During Brother Weber's sickness at Leslie, Mich., he was kindly cared for at the home ofBrother J. G. Wilson, and his presence there, like that of the prophet in the home of her whosechild was raised in ancient days, proved a priceless benediction. Sister Wilson writes:--
"The Lord had service for him to perform in his illness, and made him a blessing to theentire household, who will cherish the memory of those days as hallowed. To me he became, afterthe severest criticisms on his manner, the strongest living witness of God's power to save a sinner,who will 'look and live,' that I have ever known. Praise God! He praised God and lived a 'Now isthe accepted time, now is the day of salvation' kind of religion. His life of praise and trust andservice helped me to the foot of the Cross, where the Blood was applied and cleansed my heart.Praise God I had for some time been seeking full salvation, and the day before Brother Weber leftour home it pleased God, in answer to the united petitions of three -- himself, Mrs. I Glenn (motherof the wife of the author of this book, and at whose home it is written), and myself -- to grant methe faith to claim the blessing. I will ever praise God that in His loving kindness and tendermercies He allowed this 'child of a King' to be stricken and brought to my home that he might leadme into this 'closer walk with God.' No. 104 of 'The Evangelist, 'He cleanseth Me,' expresses myexperience."
"What brought me to follow the footsteps of Jesus was your kind words. Such pleadingwould or ought to. touch a heart of stone." -- L. B.
"Hearing you preach God's holy truth, and knowing it to be the truth, brought me under greatconviction, and when you threw your loving arms around me and prayed, I was converted there." --C. H. G.
"I was gloriously converted the night your text was Where will you spend eternity?' Ithought, Where will I spend my eternity? How awful it would be to spend it in hell! I said to mycompanions, 'I am going to give my heart to the Lord,' and I did, and have been happier ever since.-- A. S.
"The teachings and prayers of a religions father and mother have always been with me, andin later years a religions wife and child and Christian associates have all prepared me for thework God accomplished through your sermon of May 17 to 'Unconverted Husbands.' God blessyou." -- C. D. M.
"I went to church out of curiosity to hear Brother Weber. The text was, ' Is thine heartright?' I thought, 'No, my heart isn't right; I wish it was,' but had no thought of having it made so.Next night I thought, 'He don't believe what he says; guess he's been an actor; don't believe in anyone saying they are saved; don't believe they know.' Next night went to a party, thought there wasmore fun there; the next, to the lodge, thought it was my duty to go there. The next week I thought itover and thought that Brother Weber meant every word. Was sorry that I had thought as I did. Inow would like to go to the altar. A friend invited me and I went. I went twice, but all was stilldark. I thought, 'It is no use for me to go, I shall never know.' Then I would think, 'Others have beensaved; why not I?' I prayed God to show me some way that I might know. I said, 'I will be saved, Iwill give up everything.' All at once there seemed to be a light around me, and I saw as in a visiona straight, narrow path before me, leading' up wards. It seemed as bright as if the sun was shiningon it, and I felt so happy and at peace and said, 'Thank God, my heart is right!' " -- J. J.
"I can truly say, 'I've found the pearl of greatest price,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must; for Christ is mine;
Christ shall my song employ.'"-- J. E. M.
Mr. Weber believes the Bible teachings in regard to the conversion of children, and verymany of them are saved in his meetings. Like a wise shepherd, he cares for the lambs and has alove for the young that amounts to a passion.
At the close of the evening service it is customary for a large bevy of boys to gather aroundhim and escort him to his room. Many of them become earnest Christians, and quite a large numberare preparing for the ministry. Judases, who sigh 'for the conversion of bags of gold; -and spiritualdwarfs, who are as ignorant of the Saviour's love for the children and His plan for their salvationas a snail is of Greek, sometimes sigh, "Nobody but children," when such are converted. But Mr.Weber praises God just as heartily for the salvation of a little boy or girl as for that of a man of"influence," whose hair is gray with years squandered in the service of the devil. Why not? Thechild brings all the bright years of youth and the golden years of middle life and places them uponthe altar to be used for the glory of God, while the other brings only a blighted life and fadedheaves. Our love feast would be incomplete without the voices of the young.
"I have always liked to go to your meetings, but since I have been saved I like to go a greatdeal better. I wish all the children in North America were in the service of the Lord, as I am. It is aglorious service." -- E. J. D.
"I went forward three times, but received but little light. I went home, and the most thatattracted my attention was the Bible, so I got it, and N. said, 'I want you to read First John.' BeforeI finished it, I was, oh! so happy that none but a Christian could explain, and, thank God, I have hadthe happiest three weeks I ever experienced. And, Brother Weber, I thank you for the influence youhave had over me, and God for the victory."- A. S.
"The first night I came, my cousin told me not to go, but the second night I went and foundthe Lord, and I never was so happy before, and I am going to keep on." -- E. C.
"I will tell you how I found Jesus. One night you came to me and asked me to come toJesus, but I refused to come; again a lady asked me, but I refused, and how bad I did feel.
"I went up to the altar twice, and the third time my heart told me I must go, and so I did, andhow happy I felt that might; and, when I went home, I went to God and asked him to bless me, andit seems to me that I could sing the sweet songs that I have learned, all the time." -- B. F.
I want to tell you that God saves me today. I cannot tell you the joy there is in serving him,but you know ... Before I was converted I used always to sing and play comic songs. I neverthought of playing a religions piece, unless the preacher or some church member would come in,and then it almost made me sick. Now, glory to God, I can play and sing them, and it don't make mesick either.
"Praise his name, I know I am changed. Mamma said she knew I was saved, because Icame home from church and sat down to the organ, and began to play that good old hymn, "Jesus,Lover of my Soul,' and she noticed the next day I did not use any bywords, or show my temper, forI am sorry to say I have a very bad temper; but God has taken the bywords and bad temper all outof me; and when things do not go to suit me, instead of giving way to my temper and slammingthings round, I just look up to God, and pray, and He helps me out of all my trouble. BrotherWeber, please pray for me, and remember I am one of your flock." -- A. P.
"I don't think it was a sermon or anything of that kind that converted me, but I think the Lordgot the advantage of the devil that was in me. I thank Him that He did." -- C. A.
"It had been my desire to be a Christian, and now the time has come." -- B. A.
"The second sermon you preached I was there. The sermon did me some good, but whenyou came to talk with me, and kissed me, it opened my heart, and Christ and glory came in.Hallelujah for that! I now am happy in Jesus, and can praise His name every day. I owe youthousands of thanks." -- E. J.
"When the revival meeting began, I thought it was my duty to go forward. No one saidanything to me about it, and I was washed in the blood of the Lamb." -- H. S.
The love which the little ones feel for Brother Weber, and the reality of their conversions,are both beautifully illustrated in the life and death of little Eddie H., who was converted and wenthome to Jesus, before he was seven years old. His own mother writes tearfully as follows:--
"We have just heard the call of the Master, 'Suffer him to come unto Me,' and our darlingboy, our only child, has gone to Him who said, 'Of such is the kingdom of heaven.'
I am sure you will pardon me in writing a few things, in reference to Eddie, when I tell youhow ardently he loved you. He was not a demonstrative child, never loud in his expressions ofaffection, hence it seemed almost strange to us that he was always ready to say, 'I love BrotherWeber.' He knew all those hymns you sang last winter, and not a day has since passed, unless hewas sick, without his singing some of them. He would often stop suddenly to ask, 'Where isBrother Weber?' Or to say, 'Oh, I wish I could see Brother Weber.' And in his little prayer hehardly ever failed to ask God to bless Brother Weber. You gave him some pennies, -- four in all,-- and he would not have them put into his bank, for he did not want them 'mixed up' with his othermoney, so he folded them up nicely, in a piece of paper, and put them in his drawer, and every fewdays he would take them out to look at.
"Have you forgotten the night when it seemed impossible longer to keep him from going tothe altar, and, with tears streaming down his cheeks, he was lifted over the crowd and given placeamong the seekers? He had little to be forgiven, and in a few moments he arose with a face radiantwith joy. You took him in your arms, and, standing on a seat, held him up, so that all could hear histestimony, 'Jesus loves me.' To your question, 'How do you know that Jesus loves you?' Hereplied, 'I feel so good.' I have never doubted the genuineness of his conversion. He was aChristian -- a child Christian.
"His sickness was brief but terrible, -- membranous croup. His patience, during sufferingsindescribable, was indeed surprising. After one of his paroxysms of coughing and fearfulstruggling for breath, I said, 'Mamma is doing everything she can for you, darling.' He kissed me,and whispered, 'I know it, mamma.' A little while before he died, he asked his grandma to sing,'I've been redeemed.' With the dawning of October 28th, his spirit was released, and upon himbroke the morning of an eternal day. -- M. E. H."
May we each go home to heaven as triumphantly as little E., and may every child whoreads this live as grandly as he died.
Many more testimonies of children and others might be given, as Brother Weber isconstantly receiving such letters from all ages and ranks of society, but time and space forbid.
These witnesses clearly show, --
1. That Brother Weber's converts are converted to God.
2. That they have a definite experience.
3. That they do not feel like stopping until made perfect in love.
4. That they "die well."
For l of which let us "praise the Father, praise the Son, and praise the Holy Ghost."
Brother Weber believes that people should "sing with the spirit, and with the understandingalso."
Most Evangelists need to take helpers with them to lead the song services.
Mr. Weber, however, himself is able to lead the people in this most delightful andprofitable service, and does so with thrilling effect.
The compiler of his song-book, "Time Evangelist," and the composer of many of thepieces, he is able in a wonderful way to impress the Gospel truths therein upon the congregation.
The songs of this book, as Presiding Elder N. L. Bray has said, "are especially adapted tothe man, and the man to the songs," and much of his success is due to the singing.
Nearly every one buys a book, and then ALL are exhorted to sing.
The contrast between these services of song and that of a select few mechanically chantingto a musical accompaniment is as great as between the ringing laughter of a happy child and thechatter of a parrot, or between a living maim and a corpse.
All phases of the Gospel are sung, and often commented upon by the Evangelist in the songservice.
Every service is opened promptly at the appointed time by the announcement of No. 93, theDoxology. Tune, Duane St.
Praise is always comely, hence this tune is always appropriate.
If the people are faithless and disheartened, "A Rain of Salvation is Coming," No. 83,composed by Mr. Weber himself, is sure to inspire hope and courage.
The song "My Mother's Hands," which the Evangelist has composed, and dedicated to hisown mother, has touched thousands of hearts, and so melted them that they were prepared for theblessed Gospel seed, and fitted to meet in heaven precious mothers who have gone before. Hissongs "I want to be like the Saviour," and "I long for the Fullness," are both sweetly and touchinglyexpressive of the state of those who, "hungering and thirsting after righteousness," are panting to befilled with all the fullness of a Saviour's love.
The hesitating procrastinator trembles as the words of No. 20, "Too Late! Too Late!"attended by a spirit of prayer, are actually sung into his soul, and he is made to feel that to tarryone more hour means too late forever.
To the contrite penitent his songs "To Save a Poor Sinner like Me," and Sinner, Press YourWay to Jesus," come as a sweet and healing balm.
The Christ-like yearning of the Evangelist, and his tender sympathy for the lost, findexpression in No. 114, "Some Mother's Child," which can but move wherever it is sung.
At home or away in the alley or street,
Wherever I chance in this wide world to meet
A girl that is thoughtless, or boy that is wild,
My heart echoes softly, 'Tis some mother's child.And when I see those o'er whom long years have roiled,
Whose hearts have grown hardened, whose spirits are cold,
Be it woman all fallen or man all defiled,
A voice whispers sadly, Ah, some mother's child.No matter how far from the right she hath strayed,
No matter what inroads dishonor hath made,
No matter What elements cankered the pearl,
Though tarnished and sullied, sin's some mother's girl.No matter how wayward his footsteps have been,
No matter how deep in is sunken in sin;
No matter how low is his standard of joy,
Tho' guilty and loathsome, he's some mother's boy.That head hath been pillowed on some tender breast,
That form hath been wept o'er, those lips have been pressed,
That soul hath been prayed for in tones sweet an mild.
For her sake deal gently with some mother's child."No. 104, " He Cleanseth Me," makes mention of his own "cleansing" by "faith" in theblood.
I sought for this blest cleansing
Not many years ago,
The blood that cleanses from all sin
Now makes me white as snow.Chorus
Hallelujah! now it cleanseth,
It cleanseth even me!
Hallelujah! now it cleanseth,
Thro' His blood I am set free.It came by faith in Jesus,
As soon as I believed,
I took him at His blessed word,
Then joy and grace received."These and other pieces; both the words and music of which he has composed, provewonderfully popular with his audiences. The tunes are easily learned, and in a little while arebeing sung on the streets, in the shops, kitchens, on the farms, and in the homes of the people.
Many is the wanderer first won by the more than magic power of these heaven-inspiredhymns.
Aside front these, "The Evangelist" contains the cream of old and modern hymns, so thatthere is no lack of variety, but something always at hand suited for any stage of the meeting.Concerning the value of this collection of revival songs, a pastor says, One Sunday night I tookalong the copy of your book that I have, and, after the introductory exercises, began my preachingby singing No. 29. The Lord blessed the singing to the conversion of a lady.
The Lord used another of your songs at one meeting for making a very solemn impression.It was "how Will You Stand in tin Judgment?" No. 51. An awful solemnity fell on the audience; itseemed as if the people scarcely dared to breathe.
May the heart of every reader be tuned to sing the blessed songs of Zion here below, andthen unite with the countless choir before the throne in the song of Moses and the Lamb.
We close this chapter with one of the hymns from "The Evangelist."