Quiet Talks About the Healing Christ

S. D. Gordon


Some Principles of Healing as taught in God's Word, directly and indirectly:

Christ will meet every need of a man's life. And He will meet it eagerly and to the full. If we don't have all we need the trouble isn't with the hand that gives but the hand that takes. No man's hand has ever yet reached up to take as much as the Healing is one of the tangled subjects. Two others keep it close company, so far as being tangled is concerned, namely, holiness, and the return of Christ. Pierced Hand is reaching down to give. But giving is a fine art, so as not to hurt in trying to help. And the taking needs skill, too, though the simplest may take all he needs. Skill in taking is chiefly skill of the heart. Teaching is rare. Matured rounded-out teaching is yet more rare. And the chief need to-day, in the bustle and dust of much stirring about, is teaching, simple, clear, full, poised teaching. It is easy to get warped unmatured partial statements, quite honestly made, on these subjects. The direct preparation of this little book has taken eleven years, the indirect runs further back. I didn't set out to write a book. I felt the need of getting my own feet on a difficult bit of pavement. I read and watched and prayed to understand for myself. And now the substance of it is given to others, with a prayer that it may, possibly, help them a little as it has helped me. Two books have been constantly studied: the Book of God, and the Book of Life. These two go together. The Book of God is written out of life, under the Holy Spirit's touch and control. The Book of Life is still being written. It takes a simple skill of habitual reading to understand the first. It takes a careful trained reading habit to read understandingly the second. The Book of God is the teaching book, written out of human experience, and full of illustrations out of life. The Book of Life is the illustration book. There are countless illustrations on every hand of all the teachings of the other book. One wants to read both. They fit together. And the conditions for understanding both are the same, a bent will, an open mind, a prayerful spirit, a keenly observing eye, and the constant practised reading. So there comes the discernment of our Father's purposes and plans, and of how things are working out in actual life... And so, after these years of study, the little messenger is sent out in Christ's name. And the one conscious purpose is that it may help some to reach up and take all the Pierced Hand is now reaching down to give.

Continue to Chapter 1: The Christ Healing