Chapter 8
The "Old Man"
The "Flesh"
Inbred sin appears again in Ephesians iv. 22: "That ye put off concerning the former
conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts." Here is an exhortation
not to sinners, but to a church. Certain expressions in this Epistle show beyond all question the
spiritual condition of the members of the church. Paul says that they were "quickened" who had
been "dead in trespasses and in sins;" that they were once "afar off," but were now "made nigh by
the blood of Christ;" that they were no more strangers and foreigners, but "fellow-citizens with the
saints and of the household of God." Still again he tells them to forgive one another "even as God
for Christ's sake hath forgiven you," and a few verses after that states: "Ye were sometime
darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light."
These expressions undoubtedly declare the saved condition of the people to whom the
apostle wrote. And yet to these who were "forgiven" and "light in the Lord" and "of the household
of God" he writes: "Put off the old man."
Could anything be plainer? Does not the reader see that something dark and evil is left in
the heart of the regenerated man? That this something which is here called the "old man" is not to
be pardoned, but taken away, put off, removed.
If this were the only verse in the Bible that taught inbred sin, it would be a Gibraltar for the
Let not the reader be confused by the following verse, "and be renewed in the spirit of your
mind," thinking that this is regeneration. Let him turn to Romans xii. 2, where Paul exhorts the
brethren to this very grace in which they will be "transformed by the renewing of your mind." Here
evidently the "renewing" is not regeneration, for the people he exhorts are "brethren" and "living
sacrifices" already.
Still more light thrown on the words "renew" and "renewing" as used in these connections,
is obtained in Titus iii. 5: "He saved us by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the
Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour." The Italicized
words will open the eyes. Salvation is seen to be a double work, and the last work comes with the
baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. When it came the Apostle Peter said in Acts ii. 33: "He shed
forth this, which ye now see and hear."
Regeneration is a birth, and not a shedding forth. The baptism of the Holy Ghost was "shed
forth" according to Peter. This additional work Paul had in mind when he wrote to Titus as quoted
above, mentioning the two works and calling the second "the renewing of the Holy Ghost."
The mistake made by many is in making these words "renew," "renewed," "renewing,"
refer every time to regeneration. The expression "new creature" always refers to the regenerated
man, but the words "renewing of the Holy Ghost" evidently stand for a subsequent work. Let the
reader turn to Titus iii. 5 again: "He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the
Holy Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour." The word "and,"
which we have Italicized, is a copulative conjunction, and always means something else in
addition to what went before.
In full confirmation of the thought advanced we read in Ephesians iv. 24 that immediately
after Paul says the "old man" must be "put off" he adds: "And that ye put on the new man, which
after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Here is taught the coming upon us and in
us of Christ which follows instantly the removal of inbred sin or putting off the "old man."
Let no one make the mistake of thinking that this is the first coming of Christ to the soul. As
he cleansed the temple twice, he has a second cleansing for the soul. This last purifies from inbred
sin. The "old man" is cast out; and Christ, the New Man, will come now not as a visitor, but as a
perpetual indweller. This is what he promised in John xiv. 23 to his disciples and all else of his
followers who will love him and keep his words: "We will come unto him, and make our abode
with him." This is the "mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is
made manifest to his saints;... which is Christ in you."
Regenerated people are termed "saints" in the Epistles; and here Paul says is a mystery
long hid, but now revealed to them, "Christ in you." For this same thing he "travails in birth again"
for the Galatians that Christ might be formed in them "the hope of glory."
The New Man will visit the regenerated heart, and sweet and delightful are these visits; but
he will not take up his abode with inbred sin. Hence the regenerated man is constantly made to
wonder and grieve over the absence of Christ from the soul. He went to bed happy with his
presence, but awoke, and the Saviour was gone. All this was Christ's way of showing that he will
not abide in the heart with unsurrendered and unexpelled inbred sin. This very departure of his
lightsome and joyous presence without sin having been committed was intended of him to occasion
deep searchings for the cause, and the discovery of carnality or the remainder of iniquity.
The instant the "old man" is "put off" Paul says that we "put on" the New Man. Christ enters
the heart to stay. He ceases to be a visitor, and becomes an indweller and abider.
Still again inbred sin is seen in Galatians v. 17: "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and
the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the
things that ye would."
Here inbred sin is called the "flesh."
Notice that a church is being written to. This time it is a church that has gotten into
bondage; just such a bondage as we see many churches and Christian individuals in today. "O
foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you?. .. Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect
by the flesh?"
They had become entangled by the vain hope and endeavor to reach perfection by the deeds
of the law. "This only would I learn of you," said Paul: "Received ye the Spirit by the works of the
law, or by the hearing of faith? "And in the fourteenth verse he continues, calling attention to
Abraham's faith: "That we might receive the promise of "the Spirit through faith."
Does not any Bible student know that "the promise of the Spirit" is not regeneration, but
that which Christ told regenerated disciples to tarry for in Jerusalem until it came upon them?
All this settles the condition of the Galatian church; they had begun in the Spirit, but had
made the mistake of believing that they could be made perfect by the deeds of the law, and so had
gotten into bondage.
This was the explanation of their now being removed from him that called you into the
grace of Christ unto another gospel." Truly it is another gospel that teaches perfection by the deeds
of the law.
Let the reader get this idea, and he has the key that unlocks the book of Galatians. They
were not sinners, but had been "troubled'' by teachers who had "perverted the gospel." They had
gotten to observing "times and seasons," had been "hindered" in their "running well; "in a word,
entangled in a yoke of bondage. That they were still the Lord's people is seen in the way that Paul
addresses them, calling them "my little children" and "brethren," and saying to them, "Ye are
spiritual," etc.
There is nothing said to them by way of rebuke that cannot be said to any body of
Christians who seek perfection by the deeds of the law.
Now to this church Paul writes; and in the seventeenth verse of the fifth chapter describes
their inward state, and for that matter the state of every regenerated man on earth in the words:
"The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh."
The word "flesh" does not mean the body. The word in the Greek is "sarx", signifying the
carnal mind. It has been observed that Paul adopts the word "sarx" to describe carnality, and the
word "soma" to speak of the body. In this instance it is sarx, and not soma.
A strong proof of this interpretation is seen in the fact that God has no quarrel with the
body; the Spirit does not lust against the body. Sin is not in the body, as it does not, and cannot,
exist in any form of matter. The soma, or body, is the work of God; while the sarx, flesh or
carnality, is the work of the devil. If we get the sarx out, the soma will be all right. If the "flesh" be
burned out of us by the baptism of fire, we will find the body all right.
It is, then, the "flesh" (sarx) that Paul says was left in these Galatian Christians, which
lusted against the Spirit, so that he wrote: "Ye cannot [may not] do the things ye would."
Let the reader note the striking fact that the Spirit here mentioned is not the man's soul, but
the Spirit of God. The letter "S" is here a capital, and reference is made to the Holy Ghost. So the
contest going on that the apostle speaks of is not a conflict between a man's body and soul, but
between the "flesh" and the Holy Spirit.
The point that we make is that if the "flesh," or carnality, was left in the Galatian church,
whom Paul calls "brethren" and "spiritual," then is it left in converted people in America. And this
is just what every true and honest regenerated man will admit when questioned on the subject,
whether he lives in Galatia, Europe, Africa, America, or the isles of the sea.