The Necessity of Prayer
Edward M. Bounds
"Two-thirds of the praying we do, is for that which would give
us the greatest possible pleasure to receive. It is a sort of spiritual
self-indulgence in which we engage, and as a consequence is the exact opposite
of self-discipline. God knows all this, and keeps His children asking. In
process of time -- His time -- our petitions take on another aspect, and we,
another spiritual approach. God keeps us praying until, in His wisdom, He
deigns to answer. And no matter how long it may be before He speaks, it is,
even then, far earlier than we have a right to expect or hope to deserve." --
THE tenor of Christ's teachings, is to declare
that men are to pray earnestly -- to pray with an earnestness that cannot be
denied. Heaven has harkening ears only for the whole-hearted, and the
deeply-earnest. Energy, courage, and persistent perseverance must back the
prayers which heaven respects, and God hears. All these qualities of soul, so
essential to effectual praying, are brought out in the parable of the man who
went to his friend for bread, at midnight. This man entered on his errand with
confidence. Friendship promised him success. His plea was pressing: of a truth,
he could not go back empty-handed. The flat refusal chagrined and surprised him.
Here even friendship failed! But there was something to be tried yet -- stern
resolution, set, fixed determination. He would stay and press his demand until
the door was opened, and the request granted. This he proceeded to do, and by
dint of importunity secured what ordinary solicitation had failed to obtain.
The success of this man, achieved in the face of a flat denial, was used by
the Saviour to illustrate the necessity for insistence in supplicating the
throne of heavenly grace. When the answer is not immediately given, the praying
Christian must gather courage at each delay, and advance in urgency till the
answer comes which is assured, if he have but the faith to press his petition
with vigorous faith.
Laxity, faint-heartedness, impatience, timidity will be fatal to our prayers.
Awaiting the onset of our importunity and insistence, is the Father's heart, the
Father's hand, the Father's infinite power, the Father's infinite willingness to
hear and give to His children.
Importunate praying is the earnest, inward movement of the heart toward God.
It is the throwing of the entire force of the spiritual man into the exercise of
prayer. Isaiah lamented that no one stirred himself, to take hold of God. Much
praying was done in Isaiah's time, but it was too easy, indifferent and
complacent. There were no mighty movements of souls toward God. There was no
array of sanctified energies bent on reaching and grappling with God, to draw
from Him the treasures of His grace. Forceless prayers have no power to overcome
difficulties, no power to win marked results, or to gain complete victories. We
must win God, ere we can win our plea.
Isaiah looked forward with hopeful eyes to the day when religion would
flourish, when there would be times of real praying. When those times came, the
watchmen would not abate their vigilance, but cry day and night, and those, who
were the Lord's remembrancers, would give Him no rest. Their urgent, persistent
efforts would keep all spiritual interests engaged, and make increasing drafts
on God's exhaustless treasures.
Importunate praying never faints nor grows weary; it is never discouraged; it
never yields to cowardice, but is buoyed up and sustained by a hope that knows
no despair, and a faith which will not let go. Importunate praying has patience
to wait and strength to continue. It never prepares itself to quit praying, and
declines to rise from its knees until an answer is received.
The familiar, yet heartening words of that great missionary, Adoniram Judson,
is the testimony of a man who was importunate at prayer. He says:
"I was never deeply interested in any object, never prayed
sincerely and earnestly for it, but that it came at some time, no matter how
distant the day. Somehow, in some shape, probably the last I would have
devised, it came."
"Ask, and ye shall receive. Seek, and ye
shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you." These are the ringing
challenges of our Lord in regard to prayer, and His intimation that true praying
must stay, and advance in effort and urgency, till the prayer is answered, and
the blessing sought, received.
In the three words ask, seek, knock, in the order in which He places them,
Jesus urges the necessity of importunity in prayer. Asking, seeking, knocking,
are ascending rounds in the ladder of successful prayer. No principle is more
definitely enforced by Christ than that prevailing prayer must have in it the
quality which waits and perseveres, the courage that never surrenders, the
patience which never grows tired, the resolution that never wavers.
In the parable preceding that of the Friend at Midnight, a most significant
and instructive lesson in this respect is outlined. Indomitable courage,
ceaseless pertinacity, fixity of purpose, chief among the qualities included in
Christ's estimate of the highest and most successful form of praying.
Importunity is made up of intensity, perseverance, patience and persistence.
The seeming delay in answering prayer is the ground and the demand of
importunity. In the first recorded instance of a miracle being wrought upon one
who was blind, as given by Matthew, we have an illustration of the way in which
our Lord appeared not to hearken at once to those who sought Him. But the two
blind men continue their crying, and follow Him with their continual petition,
saying, "Thou Son of David, have mercy on us." But He answered them not, and
passed into the house. Yet the needy ones followed Him, and, finally, gained
their eyesight and their plea.
The case of blind Bartimaeus is a notable one in many ways. Especially is it
remarkable for the show of persistence which this blind man exhibited in
appealing to our Lord. If it be -- as it seems -- that his first crying was done
as Jesus entered into Jericho, and that he continued it until Jesus came out of
the place, it is all the stronger an illustration of the necessity of
importunate prayer and the success which comes to those who stake their all on
Christ, and give Him no peace until He grants them their hearts' desire.
Mark puts the whole incident graphically before us. At first, Jesus seems not
to hear. The crowd rebukes the noisy clamour of Bartimaeus. Despite the seeming
unconcern of our Lord, however, and despite the rebuke of an impatient and
quick-tempered crowd, the blind beggar still cries, and increases the loudness
of his cry, until Jesus is impressed and moved. Finally, the crowd, as well as
Jesus, hearken to the beggar's plea and declare in favour of his cause. He gains
his case. His importunity avails even in the face of apparent neglect on the
part of Jesus, and despite opposition and rebuke from the surrounding populace.
His persistence won where half-hearted indifference would surely have failed.
Faith has its province, in connection with prayer, and, of course, has its
inseparable association with importunity. But the latter quality drives
the prayer to the believing point. A persistent spirit brings a man to the place
where faith takes hold, claims and appropriates the blessing.
The imperative necessity of importunate prayer is plainly set forth in the
Word of God, and needs to be stated and re-stated today. We are apt to overlook
this vital truth. Love of ease, spiritual indolence, religious slothfulness, all
operate against this type of petitioning. Our praying, however, needs to be
pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will
not be denied, and a courage which never fails.
We have need, too, to give thought to that mysterious fact of prayer -- the
certainty that there will be delays, denials, and seeming failures, in
connection with its exercise. We are to prepare for these, to brook them, and
cease not in our urgent praying. Like a brave soldier, who, as the conflict
grows sterner, exhibits a superior courage than in the earlier stages of the
battle; so does the praying Christian, when delay and denial face him, increase
his earnest asking, and ceases not until prayer prevail. Moses furnishes an
illustrious example of importunity in prayer. Instead of allowing his nearness
to God and his intimacy with Him to dispense with the necessity for importunity,
he regards them as the better fitting him for its exercise. When Israel set up
the golden calf, the wrath of God waxed fierce against them, and Jehovah, bent
on executing justice, said to Moses when divulging what He purposed doing, "Let
Me alone!" But Moses would not let Him alone. He threw himself down
before the Lord in an agony of intercession in behalf of the sinning Israelites,
and for forty days and nights, fasted and prayed. What a season of importunate
prayer was that!
Jehovah was wroth with Aaron, also, who had acted as leader in this
idolatrous business of the golden calf. But Moses prayed for Aaron as well as
for the Israelites; had he not, both Israel and Aaron had perished, under the
consuming fire of God's wrath.
That long season of pleading before God, left its mighty impress on Moses. He
had been in close relation with God aforetime, but never did his character
attain the greatness that marked it in the days and years following this long
season of importunate intercession.
There can be no question but that importunate prayer moves God, and heightens
human character! If we were more with God in this great ordinance of
intercession, more brightly would our face shine, more richly endowed would life
and service be, with the qualities which earn the goodwill of humanity, and
bring glory to the Name of God.