There are four things which principally prepare the way
to enter into it; particularly, 1. The glorious appearing of Christ; 2. The
general resurrection; 3. The last judgment; and, 4. The saints' coronation.
The passage of paradise is not now so blocked up as when the
law and curse reigned. Wherefore finding, beloved Christians, a new and living
way consecrated for us, through the vail, that is to say, the flesh of Christ,
by which we may with boldness enter into the holiest, I shall draw near with
fuller assurance; and, finding the flaming sword removed, shall look again into
the paradise of our God. And because I know that this is no forbidden fruit,
and withal that it is good for food, and pleasant to the spiritual eyes, and a
tree to be desired to make one truly wise and happy; I shall, through the
assistance of the Spirit, take and eat thereof myself, and give to you,
according to my power, that you may eat. The porch of this temple is exceeding
glorious, and the gate of it is called Beautiful. Here are four things as the
four corners of this porch.
1. The most glorious coming and appearing of the Son of God
may well be reckoned in his people's glory. For their sake he came into the
world, suffered, died, rose, ascended; and for their sake it is that he will
return. To this end will Christ come again to receive his people unto himself,
that where he is, there they may be also. The bridegroom's departure was not
upon divorce. He did not leave us with a purpose to return no more. He hath
left pledges enough to assure us to the contrary. We have his word, his many
promises, his ordinances, which show forth his death till he come; and his
Spirit, to direct, sanctify, and comfort till he return. We have frequent tokens
of love from him, to show us he forgets not his promise, nor us. We daily
behold the forerunners of his coming, foretold by himself. We see the fig-tree
putteth forth leaves, and therefore know that summer is nigh. Though the
riotous world say, My Lord delayeth his coming; yet let the saints lift up
their heads, for their redemption draweth nigh. Alas! fellow-Christians, what
should we do if our Lord should not return? What a case are we here left in!
What! leave us in the midst of wolves, and among lions, a generation of vipers,
and here forget us! Did he buy us so dear, and then leave us sinning,
suffering, groaning, dying daily; and will he come no more to us? It cannot be.
This is like our unkind dealing with Christ, who, when we feel ourselves warm
in the world, care not for coming to him; but this is not like Christ's dealing
with us. He that would come to suffer, will surely come to triumph. He that
would come to purchase, will surely come to possess. Where else were all our
hopes? What were become of our faith, our prayers, our tears and our waiting?
What were all the patience of the saints worth to them? Were we not left of all
men the most miserable? Christians, hath Christ made us forsake all the world,
and to be forsaken of all the world? to hate all, and be hated of all? and all
this for him, that we might have him instead of all? And will he, think you,
after all this, forget us and forsake us himself? Far be such a thought from
our hearts! But why staid he not with his people while he was here? Why? Was
not the work on earth done? Must he not take possession of glory in our behalf?
Must he not intercede with the Father, plead his sufferings, be filled with the
Spirit to send forth, receive authority, and subdue his enemies? Our abode here
is short. If he had staid on earth, what would it have been to enjoy him for a
few days and then die? He hath more in heaven to dwell among; even the spirits
of many generations. He will have us live by faith, and not by sight.
O fellow-Christians, what a day will that be, when we, who
have been kept prisoners by sin, by sinners, by the grave, shall be brought out
by the Lord himself! It will not be such a coming as his first was, in poverty
and contempt, to be spit upon, and buffeted, and crucified again. He will not
come, O careless world! to be slighted and neglected by you any more. Yet that
coming wanted not its glory. If the heavenly host, for the celebration of his
nativity, must praise God; with what shoutings will angels and saints at that
day proclaim glory to God, peace and good-will toward men! If a star must lead
men from remote parts, to come to worship the child in the manger; how will the
glory of his next appearing constrain all the world to acknowledge his
sovereignty! If, riding on an ass, he enter Jerusalem with hosannas; with what
peace and glory will he come toward the New Jerusalem! If, when he was in the
form of a servant, they cry out, "What manner of man is this, that even the
winds and the sea obey him?" what will they say when they shall see him coming
in his glory, and the heavens and the earth obey him? "Then shall all the
tribes of the earth mourn." To think and speak of that day with horror doth
well become the impenitent sinner, but ill the believing saint. Shall the
wicked behold him, and cry, "Yonder is he whose blood we neglected, whose grace
we resisted, whose counsel we refused, whose government we cast off!" and shall
not the saints, with inconceivable gladness, cry, "Yonder is he whose blood
redeemed us, whose Spirit cleansed us, whose law governed us; in whom we
trusted, and he hath not deceived our trust; for whom we long waited, and now
we see we have not waited in vain! O cursed corruption! that would have had us
turn to the world and present things, and say, Why should we wait for the Lord
any longer? Now we see, Blessed are all they that wait for him." And now,
Christians, should we not put up that petition heartily, "Thy kingdom come? The
Spirit and the bride say, Come: and let him that heareth," and readeth, "say,
Come." Our Lord himself says, "Surely I come quickly. Amen: even so, come! Lord
2. Another thing that leads to paradise is that great work of
Jesus Christ, in raising the body from the dust and uniting it again unto
the soul. A wonderful effect of infinite power and love! "Yea wonderful
indeed," says Unbelief, "if it be true. What, shall all these scattered bones
and dust become a man?" Let me with reverence plead for God, for that power
whereby I hope to arise. What sustains the massy body of the earth? What limits
the vast ocean of the waters? Whence is that constant ebbing and flowing of the
tides? How many times larger than all the earth is the sun, that glorious body
of light? Is it not as easy to raise the dead as to make heaven and earth, and
all of nothing? Look not on the dead bones, and dust, and difficulty, but at
the promise. Contentedly commit these bodies to a prison that shall not long
contain them. Let us lie down in peace and take our rest; it will not be an
everlasting night, nor endless sleep. If unclothing be the thing thou fearest,
it is that thou mayest have better clothing. If to be turned out of doors be
the thing thou fearest, remember that, when "the earthly house of this
tabernacle is dissolved, thou hast a building of God, a house not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens." Lay down cheerfully this lump of corruption;
thou shalt undoubtedly receive it again in incorruption. Lay down freely this
terrestrial, this natural body; thou shalt receive it again a celestial, a
spiritual body. Though thou lay it down with great dishonor, thou shalt receive
it in glory. Though thou art separated from it through weakness it shall be
raised again in mighty power; "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed." "The dead in Christ shall rise first.
Then they who are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in
the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." Triumph now, O Christian, in these
promises; thou shalt shortly triumph in their performance. This is the day
which the Lord will make; we shall rejoice and be glad in it. The grave that
could not keep our Lord, cannot keep us. He arose for us, and by the same power
will cause us to arise. "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even
so, them also who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." Let us never look at
the grave, but let us see the resurrection beyond it. Yea, let us be
"steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as
we know our labor is not in vain in the Lord."
3. Part of this prologue to the saints' rest is the public
and solemn process at their judgment, where they shall first themselves be
acquitted and justified, and then with Christ judge the world. Young and old,
of all estates and nations, that ever were from the creation to that day, must
here come and receive their doom. O terrible! O joyful day! Terrible to those
that have forgotten the coming of their Lord! joyful to the saints, whose
waiting and hope was to see this day! Then shall the world behold the goodness
and severity of God; on them who perish, severity; but to his chosen, goodness.
Every one must give an account of his stewardship. Every talent of time, health,
abilities, mercies, afflictions, means, warnings, must be reckoned for. The
sins of youth, those which they had forgotten, and their secret sins, shall all
be laid open before angels and men. They shall see the Lord Jesus, whom they
neglected, whose word they disobeyed, whose ministers they abused, whose
servants they hated, now sitting to judge them. Their own consciences shall cry
out against them, and call to their remembrance all their misdoings. Which way
will the wretched sinner look? Who can conceive the terrible thoughts of his
heart? Now the world cannot help him; his old companions cannot; the saints
neither can nor will. Only the Lord Jesus can; but there is the misery, he will
not. Time was, sinner, when Christ would, and you would not; now, fain would
you, and he will not. All in vain is it to "cry to the mountains and rocks,
Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne;" for
thou hast the Lord of mountains and rocks for thine enemy, whose voice they
will obey, and not thine. I charge thee, therefore, before God, and the Lord
Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing, and his
kingdom, that thou set thyself seriously to ponder these things.
But why tremblest thou, O humble, gracious soul? He that would
not lose one Noah in a common deluge, nor overlook one Lot in Sodom; nay, that
could do nothing till he went forth; will he forget thee at that day? "The Lord
knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto
the day of judgment, to be punished." He knoweth how to make the same day the
greatest terror to his foes, and yet the greatest joy to his people. "There is
no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh,
but after the Spirit. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?"
Shall the law? "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made them
free from the law of sin and death." Or shall conscience? "The Spirit itself
beareth witness with their spirit, that they are the children of God. It is God
that justifieth, who is he that condemneth?" If our Judge condemn us not, who
shall? He that said to the adulterous woman, Hath no man condemned thee?
neither do I; will say to us, more faithfully than Peter to him, Though all men
deny thee, or condemn thee, I will not. Having confessed me before men, thee
"will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven."
What inexpressible joy, that our dear Lord, who loveth our
souls and whom our souls love, shall be our Judge! Will a man fear to be judged
by his dearest friend? or a wife by her own husband? Christian, did Christ come
down and suffer, and weep, and bleed, and die for thee, and will he now condemn
thee? Was he judged, condemned, and executed in thy stead, and now will he
himself condemn thee? Hath he done most of the work already, in redeeming,
regenerating, sanctifying and preserving thee, and will he now undo all again?
Well then, let the terror of that day be never so great, surely our Lord can
mean no ill to us in all. Let it make the devils tremble, and the wicked
tremble, but it shall make us leap for joy. It must affect us deeply with the
sense of our mercy and happiness, to see the most of the world tremble with
terror, while we triumph with joy; to hear them doomed to everlasting flames,
when we are proclaimed heirs of the kingdom; to see our neighbors, that lived
in the same town, came to the same congregation, dwelt in the same houses, and
were esteemed more honorable in the world than ourselves, now, by the Searcher
of hearts, eternally separated. This, with the great magnificence and
dreadfulness of the day, the apostle pathetically expresses: "It is a righteous
thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you
who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from
heaven, with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that
know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall
be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and
from the glory of his power; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints,
and to be admired in all them that believe, in that day."
Yet more: we shall be so far from the dread of that judgment,
that ourselves shall become the judges. Christ will take his people, as it
were, into commission with himself, and they shall sit and approve his
righteous judgment. "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?"
Nay, "know ye not that we shall judge angels?" 1 Cor. 6:2,3. Were it not for
the word of Christ that speaks it, this advancement would seem incredible, and
the language arrogant. Even Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied this,
saying, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment
upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly
deeds which they have ungodlily committed, and of all their hard speeches which
ungodly sinners have spoken against him." Thus shall the saints be honored, and
"the upright shall have dominion in the morning." O that the careless world
"were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter
end!" that they would be now of the same mind as they will be when they shall
see the heavens pass away with a great noise, and the elements melt with
fervent heat, and the earth also, and the works that are therein, burnt up!
when all shall be on fire about them, and all earthly glory consumed. "For the
heavens and the earth which are now, are reserved unto fire against the day of
judgment, and perdition of ungodly men. Seeing, then, that all these things
shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy
conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day
of God, wherein the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the
elements shall melt with fervent heat?"
4. The last preparative for the saints' rest is their
solemn coronation and receiving the kingdom. For as Christ, their head, is
anointed both King and Priest, so under him are his people made unto God both
kings and priests, to reign, and to offer praises for ever. The crown of
righteousness, which was laid up for them, shall by the Lord, the righteous
Judge, be given them at that day. They have been faithful unto death, and
therefore he will give them a crown of life. And according to the improvement
of their talents here, so shall their rule and dignity be enlarged. They are
not dignified with empty titles, but real dominion. Christ will grant them to
sit with him on his throne, and will give them power over the nations, even as
he received of his Father; and he "will give them the morning star." The Lord
himself will give them possession, with these applauding expressions: "Well
done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I
will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."
And with this solemn and blessed proclamation shall he
enthrone them: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the world." Every word is full of life and joy.
"Come "--this is the holding forth of the golden sceptre, to warrant our
approach unto this glory. Come now as near as you will; fear not the
Bethshemites' judgment; for the enmity is utterly abolished. This is not such a
"Come" as we were wont to hear, "Come, take up your cross and follow me."
Though that was sweet, yet this is much more. "Ye blessed"--blessed indeed, when
that mouth so pronounce us! For though the world hath accounted us accursed,
and we have been ready to account ourselves so; yet, certainly, those that he
blesseth are blessed; and those only whom he curseth are cursed; and his
blessing cannot be reversed. "Of my Father"--blessed in the Father's love, as
well as the Son's; for they are one. The Father hath testified his love in
their election, donation to Christ, and in the sending of Christ, and accepting
his ransom, as the Son hath also testified his. "Inherit"--no longer bondsmen,
nor servants only, nor children under age, who differ not in possession, but
only in title, from servants; but now we are heirs of the kingdom, and
joint-heirs with Christ. "The kingdom"--no less than the kingdom! Indeed, to be
King of kings and Lord of lords is our Lord's own proper title; but to be
kings, and reign with him, is ours. The enjoyment of this kingdom is as the
light of the sun; each has the whole, and the rest none the less. "Prepared for
you"--God is the Alpha as well as the Omega of our blessedness. Eternal love
hath laid the foundation. He prepared the kingdom for us, and then prepared us
for the kingdom. This is the preparation of his counsel and decree, for the
execution whereof Christ was yet to make a further preparation. "For you"--not
for believers only, in general, who, without individual persons, are nobody;
but for you personally. "From the foundation of the world"--not only from the
promise after Adam's fall, but from eternity.
Thus we have seen the Christian safely landed in paradise, and
conveyed honorably to his rest. Now let us a little further, in the next
chapter, view those mansions, consider their privileges, and see whether there
be any glory like unto this glory.