Thus, reader, I have given thee my best advice for maintaining
a heavenly conversation. It thou canst not thus meditate methodically and
fully, yet do it as thou canst; only be sure to do it seriously and frequently.
Be acquainted with this heavenly work, and thou wilt, in some degree, be
acquainted with God; thy joys will be spiritual, prevalent and lasting,
according to the nature of their blessed object; thou wilt have comfort in life
and death. When thou hast neither wealth, nor health, nor the pleasures of this
world, yet wilt thou have comfort. Without the presence or help of any friend,
without a minister, without a book, when all means are denied thee, or taken
from thee, yet mayst thou have vigorous, real comfort. Thy graces will be
mighty, active and victorious; and the daily joy which is thus drawn from
heaven will be thy strength. Thou wilt be as one that stands on the top of an
exceeding high mountain; he looks down on the world as if it were quite below
him; fields and woods, cities and towns seem to him but little spots. Thus
despicably wilt thou look on all things here below. The greatest princes will
seem but as grass-hoppers; the busy, contentious, covetous world, but as a heap
of ants. Men's threatenings will be no terror to thee, nor the honors of this
world any strong enticement; temptations will be more harmless, as having lost
their strength; and afflictions less grievous, as having lost their sting; and
every mercy will be better known and relished. It is now, under God, in thy own
choice, whether thou wilt live this blessed life or not; and whether all this
pains I have taken for thee shall prosper, or be lost. if it be lost through
thy neglect, thou thyself wilt prove the greatest loser. O man, what hast thou
to mind but God and heaven? art thou not almost out of this world already? Dost
thou not look every day, when one disease or another will release thy soul?
Does not the grave wait to be thine house, and worms to feed upon thy face and
heart? What if thy pulse must beat a few strokes more? What if thou hast a
little longer to breathe, before thou breathe out thy last; a few more nights
to sleep, before thou sleepest in the dust? Alas! what will this be when it is
gone? And is it not almost gone already? Very shortly thou wilt see thy glass
run out, and say to thyself, "My life is done! My time is gone! It is past
recalling! There is nothing now but heaven or hell before me!" Where, then,
should thy heart be now but in heaven? Didst thou know what a dreadful thing it
is to have a doubt of heaven when a man is dying, it would raise thee up. And
what else but doubt can that man then do, that never seriously thought of
heaven before.
Some there be that say, "It is not worth so much time and
trouble to think of the greatness of the joys above; if we can make sure they
are ours, we know they are great." But as these men obey not the command of
God, which requires them to have their "conversation in heaven, and to set
their affections on things above;" so they wilfully make their own lives
miserable, by refusing the delights which God hath set before them. And if this
were all, it were a small matter: but see what abundance of other mischiefs
follow the neglect of these heavenly delights. This neglect will damp, if not
destroy, their love to God--will make it unpleasant to them to think or speak of
God, or engage in his service--it tends to pervert their judgment concerning the
ways and ordinances of God--it makes them sensual and voluptuous--it leaves them
under the power of every affliction and temptation, and is a preparative to
total apostacy--it will also make them fearful and unwilling to die; for who
would go to a God or a place he hath no delight in? who would leave his
pleasure here, if he had not better to go to? Had I only proposed a course of
melancholy, and fear, and sorrow, you might reasonably have objected. But you
must have heavenly delights, or none that are lasting. God is willing you
should daily walk with him, and draw consolations from the everlasting
fountain: if you are unwilling, even bear the loss; and, when you are dying,
seek for comfort where you can get it, and see whether fleshly delights will
remain with you. Then conscience will remember, in spite of you, that you were
once persuaded to a way for more excellent pleasures--pleasures that would have
followed you through death, and have lasted to eternity.
As for you, whose hearts God hath weaned from all things here
below, I hope you will value this heavenly life, and take one walk every day in
the New Jerusalem. God is your love and your desire; you would fain be more
acquainted with your Savior; and I know it is your grief that your hearts are
not nearer to him, and that they do not more feelingly love him and delight in
him. O try this life of meditation on your heavenly rest! Here is the mount on
which the fluctuating ark of your souls may rest. Let the world see, by your
heavenly lives, that religion is something more than opinions and disputes, or
a task of outward duties. If ever a Christian is like himself, and conformable
to his principles and profession, it is when he is most serious and lively in
his duty. As Moses, before he died, went up into Mount Nebo to take a survey of
the land of Canaan; so the Christian ascends the mount of contemplation, and by
faith surveys his rest. He looks upon the glorious mansions, and says,
"glorious things are" deservedly "spoken of thee, thou city of God!" He hears,
as it were, the melody of the heavenly choir, and says, "Happy is the people
that is in such a case; yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord!" He
looks upon the glorified inhabitants, and says, "Happy art thou, O Israel; who
is like unto thee, O people, saved by the lord, who is the shield of thy help
and the sword of thine excellency!" When he looks upon the Lord himself, who is
their glory, he is ready, with the rest, to "fall down and worship Him that
liveth for ever and ever, and say, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who
was, and is, and is to come! Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and
honor, and power!" When he looks on the glorified Savior, he is ready to say Amen
to that "new song, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him that
sitteth upon the throne, and unto the lamb, for ever and ever. For thou was
slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred, and
tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us, unto our God, kings and
priests!: When he looks back on the wilderness of this world, he blesses the
believing, patient, despised saints; he pities the ignorant, obstinate,
miserable world; and for himself he says, as Peter, "It is good to be here;"
or, as Asaph, "It is good for me to draw near to God; for, lo, they that are
far from thee shall perish." Thus as Daniel, in his captivity, daily opened his
window towards Jerusalem, though far out of sight, when he went to God in his
devotions; so may the believing soul, in this captivity of the flesh, look
towards "Jerusalem which is above." And as Paul was to the Colossians, so may
the believer be with the glorified spirits, "though absent in the flesh, yet
with them in the spirit, joying and beholding their heavenly order." And as the
lark sweetly sings while she soars on high, but is suddenly silenced when she
falls to the earth; so is the frame of the soul most delightful and divine
while fixed in the views of God by heavenly contemplation. Alas, we make there
too short a stay, fall down again, and lay by our music!
But "O thou, the merciful Father of spirits, the attraction of
love and ocean of delights, draw up these drossy hearts unto thyself, and keep
them there till they are spiritualized and refined; and second thy servant's
weak endeavors, and persuade those that read these lines, to the practice of
this delightful, heavenly work! O suffer not the soul of thy most unworthy
servant to be a stranger to those joys which he describes to others; but keep
me, while I remain on earth, in daily breathings after thee, and in a
believing, affectionate walking with thee! And when thou comest, let me be
found so doing; not serving my flesh, nor asleep, with my lamp unfurnished; but
waiting and longing for my Lord's return! Let those who shall read these
heavenly directions, not merely read the fruit of my studies, but the breathing
of my active hope and love; that if my heart were open to their view, they
might there read the same most deeply engraven with a beam from the face of the
Son of God; and not find vanity, or lust, or pride within, when the words of
life appear without; that so these lines may not witness against me; but
proceeding from the heart of the writer, may be effectual, through thy grace,
upon the heart of the reader, and so be the savor of life to both! Amen."
"Glory be to God in
the highest; on earth peace, good-will toward men."