I lovingly dedicate this book to my elder daughter, Little Sallie, who has been the comfort
of her mamma and the joy of her father. Her life has been so pure and sweet, and the smiles on her
face have been such an inspiration to her papa while he was miles away, she has encouraged him
to go forward with the work of the Master, and as this book is a sketch of the mountain top life,
may the life of my precious daughter be like the sunshine on the mountain top. May her life be as
pure as the dew that falls on the mountain, and may she never lose that gentleness of character and
that sweetness of disposition. Her life in our home has been one of comfort and satisfaction. Her
love for her mother has been so beautiful, and her kindness and confidence in her papa has been
such a comfort and joy to him, that without her life would be a burden.

        The little, sweet things of her baby life will cling to her father as long as he lives. When
she was less than two years old, one day I lay down on the cot to take a little rest, and she wanted
to go somewhere. She came in and found a razor strap, and as I had dropped off to sleep, she
struck me in the face as hard as she could pound me, and as I waked out of my sleep she said,
"Huddle up da, huddle up," and as I got off the cot she put up both hands and said, "Go da, go."
And on another occasion I went to work out my garden, and of course she had to go and help me. I
got my hoe and went to work and I sang, "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound," and hoed my
beans. She got right in behind me, and when I had hoed one row and looked back, she was right
behind me, and every bean that I had hoed she had pulled up, and had her hands full of beans. As I
looked back at her she smiled, and said, "Da, I am helping you work the garden." I thought that she

was the smartest thing on earth, and took her to the house to let her mother see how smart our baby

        From that day until now she has been a great helper of her papa. I think that we will get to
evangelize together all over the United States, and may be all over the world. My prayers go up to
our heavenly Father daily that He may use her to bless the world. While I write these words her
sweet face is before me, and I see the smiles playing up and down her face, and today I dedicate
her afresh to the blessed Christ, to be His and to be used for His glory and for the good of the
world in which we live. Amen.

Bud Robinson
