Another book on holiness! Has not everything been said about that blessed Bible truth, that can possibly be put into print? Are writers not simply threshing old straw when they present again the lines of truth that converge to form the doctrine, and describe the experience of the second work of grace?

Perhaps this is true. But just as we need new sermons, and fresh discourses on important themes, in order that great truths may have the peculiar quality and flavor of the mind and heart through which they pass, so we need new books on holiness. We cannot have too many, or read too much, about so important a truth and so necessary an experience as heart purity. Inasmuch as the Holy Scriptures declare that without it no man shall see the Lord, every person able clearly to express himself in writing should do his best to spread this needful spiritual possession by the printed page, as well as by the spoken word.

Another reason why more books on holiness should be written is, that some one will catch the special intellectual bent of one author, who will have missed the point expressed by some one else. If the message is inspired of the Holy Ghost, be assured some heart is waiting to be enlightened thereby.

That this effort shall help some soul to obtain and live the life of heart purity is the sole reason for the labor of its production. With an earnest prayer for the blessing of the Master to abide upon each earnest reader of its lines, this work is sent forth.

J. G. Morrison