By W. B. Dunkum

Sin in Two Forms

The Bible and theologians of both past and present distinguish between sin and sins. Paul speaks of sin as "the carnal mind,"' "the old man." The sin nature is the by-product of our fallen nature. There is a prone to evil, the theologians call it depravity. This nature is manifested by temper, deceit, fits, and spasms. The human heart is prone to evil as the sparks fly upward.

No doubt many have theories and twisted purposes to fit their motives. This is the outcropping of carnality. The old man will blind your eyes and you will never see clearly until your heart is made pure by the precious blood of Christ.

When playing with sin you are dealing with God's highest explosives, and if you continue in sin you will at your eternal peril.

True faith in the meritorious and substitutionary death of Jesus Christ is the only means whereby we can be saved and implicit faith in the same blood brings the cleansing of our natures from carnality, the stump and roots of sin.

Genuine repentance means that we must confess our sins to the Lord and forsake them. "Whosoever confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." And we must promise God that we are done with the sin business. He will not forgive as long as one sin remains unconfessed. Unconfessed sins never go under the blood. Here is where restitution comes in. One is not merely to take an inventory of one's life and stop there but must back track and make right the wrongs of the past. Some had rather die and go to perdition than pay the full price, but this is exactly the price one must pay. Jesus Christ was a Jew but there are no bargain counters when it comes to salvation. You cannot Jew down the price. We must pay the last farthing.

The Greek word for sin literally means to miss the mark. A sinner has missed the way. His life is lost to good; a soul has lost the way; made shipwreck of existence, perverted his powers, abused his opportunities and will eternally perish. In spite of amazing grace and divine love he is guilty of spiritual and eternal suicide. To lose a life is utterly a catastrophe, but to miss the mark and lose the soul is an awful tragedy.

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin I John 2:1.
I. The Bible sets forth the nature of sin.
1. A falling short of the demands of God.
2. Acting in opposition to the Bible.

II. The Bible shows the evils of sin.
1. It dishonors God in all its relations.
2. It depraves the soul.
3. It brings guilt on the conscience.
4. It never exhausts itself.
5. It offends a gracious God.
6. It wounds a loving Savior.
7. It breaks a holy law.
8. It defiles a precious soul.
9. It hinders from doing good.
10. It culminates in hell.

III. The pleasures of sin.
1. There may be pleasures of sin.
2. They are but brutish pleasures.
3. They are but momentary.
4. They cost the loss of greater pleasures.
5. They end in sadness and misery.

IV. What we usually call little sins.
1. A spirit of frivolity.
2. Conformity to the world.
3. Pride of heart.
4. Uncharitable conversations.

V. The injury which little sins do.
1. They interfere with our devotions.
2. They make room for greater sins.
3. They burden our conscience.

VI. How to treat little sins.
1. Capture, destroy, repent and forsake.
2. Persons were discussing the best way to get rid of sin.

The first said to meditate on the subject of death.
The second said to meditate on the Judgment.
The third said to meditate on the joys of Heaven.
The fourth said to meditate on the torments of hell.
The fifth said to meditate on the blood and the sufferings of Christ, and be sure the last is the choicest and strongest motive of them all.

Sin is glaringly visible, thrustingly ugly, and tragically everywhere. Sin is a collision of your will with the will of God. Collision means a wreck. Look, if you please, at the wrecked lives and homes caused by sin.
Horace Mann of Boston, one hundred years ago, worked out the free public school system of the nation. He thought that a tax supported school system would eliminate crime. But sad the time has come when they are headquarters for hotbeds of crime. The prisons and penitentiaries of today could furnish men and women who are educationally equipped to grace any college or state university faculty. Hence, education does not improve sin, but an educated crook is one of the worst men we have to deal with.
The wages of sin is costly. Sin is often adorned in the most dazzling colors.
It has been said that the old theology of sin is dying oat and that false religions and false philosophies are being substituted in its stead.
Nations, like people are forgetting God. Many have become dust and ashes after leaving God off their program. Babylon, Tyre, Sidon, Greece, Rome, Spain, France and others are examples of such. Drunkenness and riotous living prevail every where and we wonder what next.
A moral standard today is almost a thing of the past. The morals are desperately low. The judges and police of our country tell us that a large percent of the moral delinquency of the nation is found among the young. The war conditions play an important part. But the movies had ruined the young beyond a question before the war began. Today tens of thousands are found at picture shows, bowing to the god of pleasure, when they should be at church.
We are living in an awful age. Sin is prominent as in the days of Noah. Universally speaking very few have not been touched by sin. Sin may not come out in the form of theft, adultery, or murder; but don't fool yourself by saying, we are prominent in church circles. You may teach a Bible class, and belong to the official group and pray and testify; I am not trying to shatter your confidence but it might do you well to read: "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart."
One act of disobedience to the known law of God is sin. "Sin is the transgression of the law;" "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin;" "All unrighteousness is sin;" "To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin." Neglect God's way, you sin, and will be eternally lost.

Three Great Themes Running Through the Bible
I. Man is lost in sin, without hope and without God.
II. There is no salvation except through the blood of Jesus Christ.
III. Those who accept Him will be saved and those who reject Him will be lost eternally.

Redemption From Sin, Rev. 1:5,6.
1. The foundation of human Redemption from sin is the love of God.
2. The conscious realization of our redemption -- He has washed us from our sins in His own blood.
3. The privileges of our Redemption -- We are made Kings and Priests.
4. The glory of our redemption -- To Him be glory and dominion forever.

Two-fold Purpose of Redemption
First, restoration from sin to holiness.
Second, restoration to fellowship with God.

Two Great Sins in Life
a. A desire to get rich.
b. A desire for prestige and power.

Five Reasons You Should be Saved, Ezek. 33:11
I. Because you are lost.
1. All who live in sin are lost now.
2. Unless saved will be eternally lost.

II. Because it is right.
1. We are what we are by choice.
2. Our choice leads to destiny.
3. A holy life is the only right way to live.
4. We owe our life to God.
5. Salvation will start you in the right direction.

III. Because it is reasonable.
1. In its demands.
2. In its standards.
3. In its provisions.

IV. Because of its worth and its benefits.
1. Its benefits are temporal, moral, physical and eternal.
2. Makes better men and women.
3. Satisfies perfectly and fully.

V. Because of the future.
1. You must meet God -- Salvation prepares you.
2. You must die -- It gets you ready.
3. You will be at the Judgment.
4. You must spend eternity somewhere.

VI. A life of sin is unreasonable because
1. It confers no benefits or blessings.
2. It brings misery and trouble to all who indulge in it.
3. It is a life of disappointment.
4. It is not a normal life.
5. It is a life of ingratitude to God.
6. It makes man a rebel.
7. Its pleasures are temporary.
8. It lowers man in the scale of mortal being.
9. It ruins man physically, intellectually, morally, and spiritually.
10. It ruins homes, lives, and nations.
11. It is a life thrown away.
12. It gives no hope for the future.
13. It fills death with terror.
14. It unfits one for Heaven.
15. It ends in hell eternally.

VII. The Christian life is reasonable because
1. You were created for a purpose.
2. You belong to God by purchase right. "Ye are bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus."
3. All Heaven are interested in your conversion. God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and angels will celebrate your conversion.
4. All good things come from God whom you refuse to serve.
You owe Him your best service.
5. It is a service that betters humanity.
6. It saves from eternal wrath your just deserts.
7. It secures Heaven as your eternal reward.

Sin, an Offense
By one man's offense death reigned. The scriptures point to this as the world's darkest tragedy. Humanity began its downward course leaving behind sorrow, disease, pain, and death. Satan's fallen nature provokes him to endless war against everything good in God's universe. He considers this his master stroke, hence, humanity is hell bound. But listen, "God sent forth His Son." Therefore, Satan is crowded out.
So everyone of us has felt the effects of sin, -- one's own sins as well as the gins of others. Sin may come to you in culture, silk, and broadcloth, but "at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder." "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." "But where sin abounds, grace doth abound much more exceedingly." R. V.
See God's only begotten Son as He hangs on Calvary providing salvation for the world lost in sin.
The offense brought condemnation. But God's Son brought fortification. His grace goes deeper than the effects of sin have gone. The remedy will reach deeper than the sea, higher than the Heavens, farther than the East is from the West will He remove our sins from us. It's about time for someone to have a shouting spell.

Mocking at Sin
"Fools make a mock of sin." Prov. 14:9
Sin is the moral malady of God's Universe.
Its existence is mysterious.
Its birth is unexplainable.
Its influence is far reaching and its results are awful.
No pen can picture it and no tongue can describe the evil it has wrought.
Many Treat Sin at if it Were a Trifle.
All the sobs and sighs, wails and woes are caused by sin. Sin is a disease of the soul. Sin is a paralysis that weakens. Sin is a leprosy that pollutes. Sin is a plague that tortures. Sin is a pestilence that destroys. Sin is a crime that damns.
Sin digs every grave. Its mission is destruction, and its wages is death. A man who plays with a lion, elephant or tiger is called a fool, but sin is stronger than all these combined.
Sin lessens your mental capacity, dulls your sense of obligation, and incapacitates you in a general way. Partaking of sin cannot contribute to your greatness in the sight of God, but rather wins for you God's displeasure. Only one course to take about sin, keep away from it and have nothing to do with it. No one was ever made better by sinning, but countless millions are being damned through sins of various descriptions. Sin impairs the vision, deadens the faculties, and destroys all spiritual life.
1. Sin is a transgression of God's law.
2. Sin is missing the mark.
3. Sin is moral malaria.
4. Sin is a faith destroyer.
5. Sin is a home wrecker.
6. Sin is moral leprosy.
7. Sin destroys spirit, soul, and body.
8. Sin separates the soul from God.
9. Sin is a moral cancer.
10. The end of sin is always death.

Sin is Costly
Each period of the world's history has receded to rank apostasy (and this period is no exception) followed by the judgments of God. The increase of scientific knowledge today is being
and will continue to be followed by a decrease of morals and spirituality. What next, a revival of religion or apostasy -- which?
Modern conditions about us point to nothing less than spiritual destruction; the Sunday baseball, football, movie, theater, card parties, etc. The highways are crowded with pleasure seekers, and amusement goers. See the bathing beaches with half-nude crowd and a big percent of them are Church members, and then every way you look you are confronted by the awful liquor traffic. In many of our modern cities ninety per cent of the women smoke cigarettes. When women are gone, society is gone. What can you expect of us as a nation when Mothers are found in beer gardens, taverns, grog shops and clubs while they leave their children to roam the streets and to entertain themselves? What can we expect of the oncoming generation? Yes, and how much can we expect of the present generation ?
Many churches are closed and many that are opened have vacant pews. The cold indifference and spiritual ignorance are appalling. Church members have time for social gatherings but no time for prayer meetings. What is our national status morally when these things exist?
The social gospel is substituted for the preaching of the cross. When religion decays one goes back to a social gospel. That indifferent spirit is creeping upon us. Surely this lukewarm age is what the Apocalyptic writer warned against. Questionable society functions are too prominent in the Church. A burden of prayer for sinners is gone and many have settled down to a powerless profession of religion. The Church has locked arms with the world hoping thereby to win her, but it has lost its identity by so doing. The world has swallowed up the Church. And now to talk about separation from the world in many of the Churches is out of harmony with their program and you will be surprised for taking that stand.
Worldly attire, improper language, covetousness, patronage of questionable society functions and places of amusement are all the go today.
Back to the religion of the early days. Back to the Old Landmarks. Back to Church. Back to prayer meeting. Back to family altars. Back to intercessory prayer. Back to praying through. And back to God.

Sin Not a Necessity
1. Awake to righteousness and sin not. I Cor. 15:34.
2. Little children, sin not. I John 2:1.
3. Shall we continue in sin? Rom. 6:1,2.
4. Go and sin no more. Jno. 5:14.
5. Jesus our example did no sin. I Pet. 2:21.
6. Whoever is born of God doth not commit sin. I Jno. 5:18.
7. He that committeth sin is of the devil. I Jno. 3:8.
8. Let not sin remain in your mortal bodies. Rom. 6:2.
9. Stand in awe and sin not. Psa. 4:4.
10. Jesus came to save from sin. Mat. 1:21.

A Common Sin of This Generation
Six reasons why one should not use tobacco:
1. It will injure your health.
2. It will injure your mind.
3. It will waste your money and time.
4. It is a filthy habit.
5. It is a poison creating a gnawing thirst and may lead to drunkenness and other sins.
6. It may ruin your soul forever.
The cigarette said, "I am not much of a mathematician but I can add various diseases, heart failure, nervousness and irritability to a boy's troubles; I can subtract from his physical energies; I can multiply his aches and pains; I can divide his mental powers; I can take interest from his work; I can discount heavily his chances for success; I can bankrupt his moral character; I can cause a complete loss of his soul."

How We Sin
1. We sin against conscience.
2. We sin against conviction.
3. We sin by not heeding the warning of God.
4. We sin in trying to please men.
5. We sin in professing innocency.
6. We sin in rejecting light.

Dr. Strong the Great Baptist Theologian said: "Sin has four principal characteristics: namely,
1. Self-sufficiency instead of faith.
2. Self-will instead of submission.
3. Self-seeking instead of benevolence.
4. Self-righteousness instead of humility."

When preachers fail to preach the exceeding sinfulness of sin if not careful they will find themselves doing more harm than good.
With sin in our hearts we are doomed to disaster, whether as an individual or a nation.

Salvation From Sin
"Dead in trespasses and sin!" What a wretched state to be in! Yet it is the condition of all unsaved. A person both living and dead!
1. Not dead as to natural conditions; one can eat, drink and sleep.
2. Not dead as to rational actions; one can reason, and judge and consider.
3. Not dead as to civil actions; one can buy and sell and get gain.
4. Not dead as to moral actions, one can be humble and kind, or self-assertive and unkind.
5. Not dead as to religious actions; one can read, preach, pray and sing, or one can go far as to blaspheme the Holy Trinity.
6. But dead spiritually! What a serious state! "Dead in trespasses and sin!"

Aspects of Sin
Its character is unbelief. Its nature is enmity to God. Its development is disobedience.1. The guilt of sin.2. The pollution of sin.3. The darkness of sin.4. The deceitfulness of sin.5. The wages of sin.6. The remedy for sin.

The Danger of Sin
1. The tendency of sin is to put out the eyes of reason and leave your soul to grope in darkness.
2. Sin breeds disease, ignorance and superstition.
3. Sin sends the soul to the backside of the blackness of darkness and damnation forever.
a. The way of sin is misleading.
b. The way of sin is deceptive.
c. The way of sin is fascination.
d. The way of sin is unique.
e. The way of sin is downward and hellward.

Sin Leads To:
Unhappiness, disappointment, poverty, disease, insanity, broken hearts, wrecked homes, eternal death and damnation. Sin defiles and destroys like leprosy. Sin fills the heart with every element that is found in a lake of fire and brimstone.
1. Sin is laborious; toiling for wealth that will perish.
2. Sin is costly; costs money, time, health, peace, character and heaven.
3. Sin is unsatisfying; no earthy goods can satisfy.

Were God to deal with us in justice, would mean everlasting destruction; but for the death of Jesus Christ no sinner could be saved.
Jesus Christ is Able to Save:
1. The most desperate sinner.
2. The most glaring sinner.
3. The most deeply dyed sinner.
4. Yes, our Christ stoops to reason with the sinner.

The Importance of Repentance
1. The need of repentance; not reformation, education, church membership, but repentance for sins committed.
2. The rarity of repentance -- we are told that only one person out of a hundred ever repents. That's why theaters are crowded, our highways congested and our churches empty.
3. Repentance is an experience to be coveted. Without it no heaven -- "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish." Has Heaven rejoiced over your repentance? Are you seeking to win others? Do you rejoice when sinners repent ?

Punishment for Sin
1. God always sees the act of sin.
2. The sinners conscience often betrays him.
3. If not before it will be discovered at the Judgment Day. One says, "I do not like to hear a preacher always harping on little sins." The fact that you are disturbed shows that it must be a big thing. It shows that you are the guilty person. But there are hopes for you. A tiny grain of sand will ruin a good eye, and one little unconfessed sin will keep you out of Heaven.
Sin had separated man from God and there could be no harmony between the Creator and the creature so long as man rebelled against his Maker. Man was unable in himself to make an atonement so the God-man must make it if it was ever to be made. No angel was adequate for the task. It was man who sinned and man must pay the penalty. Through the death of Christ, the God-man, God is reconciled to man. The debt was paid in full. Divine justice was fully satisfied and by the second birth man is born again and reconciled to God, and puts an end to rebellion against God, and settles the sin question forever.
The act of pardon reaches every transgression of the stinger's past, the sins of his youth, of his middle age, and of his riper years. It includes every sinful thought indulged in; every wicked word spoken; every wrong act performed. It also includes sins of omission; every failure of the past, the lack of faith, of love, of a life of usefulness. All the guilty record must be swept away in the Atoning Blood. This guilt must be canceled by the blood of Jesus Christ. He who lightly esteems salvation from sin through the blood is unfit for the society of God and man. The Christian life cannot be maintained with any known sin. The teaching that we may consciously commit sin from day to day in thought, word, and deed, and remain a Christian is plainly contradictive to the Word of God. I John 3:6-9. The new birth is the greatest single transaction that ever took place between God and man. Reader, have you been born again?

If angels could lose their place in Heaven because of sin and be cast down to hell because of pride, how perilous it is to think too highly of ourselves. The moment humility was substituted by pride, war opened in the heart of Satan against the throne of God. Pride is rebellion. There is no right relation to God in any world without unmixed humility. Sin is dominant in its perverted relations; its pathway is marked with disappointments; it wrecks all hope, and enthrones despair. Sin's first bud in the universe may be traced to the loss of humility. Also there is a sense in which pride is the source and essence of sin.
Are you trying the hopeless experiment of living an ideal Christian life on mere ethical principles while you hold on to sin and pleasure? If so you are doomed to disappointment. Ideals will not do it. Examples will not do it. Ethical principles will not do it. The highest and purest intentions will not do it. But aside from repentance and faith, we are yet in our sins.
If we willfully or ignorantly sin we must suffer the consequences. Hence, we are only safe as we keep all sin confessed and under the blood. His protection is ours only while we obey Him. The engine is safe by staying on the track, and we are only safe by keeping on His promises. Many have been and still are deceived. "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."
It is true, however, that we have God's full revelation concerning sin, salvation and the future life; and on these subjects we have all needed light. So whoever gets a vision that invalidates the Word of God is a false prophet.

Contrast Between Salvation and Sin
Salvation is constructive. Sin is destructive. Salvation elevates, encourages, and sustains. Sin saddens, enslaves, and kills. Salvation builds Churches, hospitals, old people's homes, and institutions of charity. Sin builds saloons, gambling dens, and houses of sin and disgrace. Salvation paints great pictures and carves noble statues. Sin darkens and blasts the lives of men and women. Salvation produces statesmen, prophets, preachers, missionaries, poets, and philanthropists. Sin makes drunkards, thieves, murderers, and social degenerates. Salvation inspires faith, integrity, love, and truth. Sin produces suspicion, dishonesty, hate and falsehood. Salvation is of the Lord and is eternal. Sin is temporary and self-annihilating. Salvation is knowable and enjoyable. Sin is from the regions below and smells of brimstone.

Nature of the Sin Problem
The natural man without the grace of God is both sinful and a sinner. Regeneration changes man from a sinner to a child of God. All churches agree on this. A further work is needed. Man was created holy so all of his capacities were made to function hi a life of holiness. When sin entered the world, holiness was lost and friction set up.
Regeneration separates the individual from actual sinning and the condemnation of actual transgressions. Holiness removes the sin nature forever from the inner life. Regeneration removes the love of the world. Sanctification removes the fear of the world. Holiness is inward rest of soul, a sense of inward cleansing. A new freedom in service and a constant flow of perfect peace.

Sin is Neither Natural, Normal, Nor Necessary
1. Sin darkens the understanding -- calls evil good, and good evil.
2. Sin changes the affections -- keeps the divorce courts busy.
3. Sin will leave its mark upon a nation and upon an individual.
4. Sin affects the heart.
5. Sin affects the conscience, will, soul, and body.
6. Sin works hatred to God and man.
7. Sin makes us slaves.
8. Sin opposes and pollutes.
9. Sin weakens and destroys rightful authority.
10. Sin wounds the heart of God and insults His authority.
11. Sin has but little respect for humanity.
12. If not destroyed, sin will fill the universe with disorder, unbelief, and misery.

Characteristics of Sin
1. Sin is a robber -- robs of liberty, etc.
2. Sin is a deceiver.
3. Sin is a murderer.
4. Sin kills love and affection.
5. Sin murders influence.
6. Sin regards not the pleading of the broken hearted.
7. Sin is man's worst enemy.
8. Sin is a merciless destroyer.
9. Sin is a deluge of misery.
10. Sin makes man afraid of God.

Nothing needs to be more feared than sin.
a. Sin is strong and powerful.
b. Sin is a great foe.
c. Sin is bold in Church and out.
d. No excuse for sin.
e. There will be no sin in Heaven.
f. There may be victory over every sin.

What Sin Is
1. A spot you cannot erase.
2. A disease you cannot cure.
3. A burden you cannot remove.
4. A bondage you cannot escape.
5. A cord you cannot sever.
6. An idol you cannot dethrone.

Sin In Four Aspects
1. Leprosy, a picture of guilt.
2. Palsy, a picture of helplessness.
3. Fever, a picture of passion.
4. Demon Possession, a picture of slavery.

What Sin Does
1. Disabling in its power.
2. Deadening in its influence.
3. Contagious in its results.
4. Deceitful in its character.
5. Sin is a costly monster.
6. Sin makes us sad.
7. Sin drives us from God.
8. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit.
9. Sin destroys testimony.
10. Sin puts stumbling blocks in the way of others.
11. Sin destroys the family altar.
12. Sin brings punishment and condemnation.

The Bible gives a true photograph of a sinful heart. Sin darkens the intellect making one ignorant of God. Wherever you find people, you will find sin. There is nothing beautiful about sin.

Sin is the most terrible disease ever visited upon the human family.
I. There is a disease.
II. There is a physician.
III. There is remedy.

All Are Subject to Sin
1. Sin is hereditary.
2. Sin is universal.
3. Sin is cowardly.
4. Sin is hideous.
5. Sin is more than a trifle.
6. Sin will get you sooner or later.
7. Sin will murder all your good and noble qualities.
8. Sin destroys personality.
9. Sin separates from God.
10. Sin leads to a wrong destiny.

The blood is God's only remedy for sin. Martyrs have testified that it was sufficient. From thousands of deathbeds have come the testimony that the blood can save and cleanse from all sin.
1. All trouble is the result of sin.
2. Sin is the meanest thing in the world.
3. Sin is the foundation and superstructure of everything that is mean.
4. Sin empties church pews.
5. Sin has caused America to become a nation of movie goers instead of Church goers.
6. Sin is the enemy of Jesus Christ.
7. Sin counterfeits the work of Christ.
8. Sin denies the divinity of Christ.
9. Sin is the abuse of freedom.
10. Sin is the cause of all your enemies.
11. Sin causes you to hate people and people to hate you.
12. Sin has right of way in many a heart.
13. Sin is prominent in the average home.
14. Sin eats at your table.
15. Sin sits on your couch.
16. Sin desires to remain with you day and night.
17. Sin helps you make your plans.
18. Sin will see that they're carried out.
19. "Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death."
20. What disease and death are to the body sin is to the soul, only much worse.

The terrible thought is that we treat sin so lightly today.
a. Sin is unchanging in its essential nature.
b. Sin leaves a sense of pollution.
c. Sin transforms innocent persons into corrupters of others.
d. Sin opposes everything that is good.
e. When a man sins he is dead spiritually.

Sin is lawlessness; it is the most expensive thing in the universe yet it has not a single value. It is a useless worthless investment. Sin is committed against God, against Christ, against the Holy Spirit, against Heaven: "I have sinned against Heaven and in thy sight;" against light, against your own judgment and conscience; against present and eternal interests. Sin costs you every good noble principle you possess; it robs you of character and reputation; it is a destroyer, plunderer, and spoiler. Sin destroys your soul eternally.

Seven Conspicuous Sins of Our Day
Our generation apparently purposes:
1. To smoke its way to health.
2. To drink its way to prosperity.
3. To destroy its way to food and clothing.
4. To entertain its way to wisdom.
5. To sin its way to joy and happiness.
6. To war its way to peace.
7. To hate its way to love; and last, but not least, to sin its way to Heaven; but not so according to the Word of God.

The natural heart is sinful, carnal minded, polluted, defiled, impure, tainted and wicked according to the Bible. All his tendencies, inclinations and dispositions are downward, sinward and hellward. Theosophists say there's nothing wrong, that we are gods; and Christian Scientists argue that there's nothing wrong with man but a derangement of the mental apparatus. But if you will read the tragical story of the entrance of sin into the heart as related in the third chapter of Genesis you're bound to admit that there's something radically wrong with man. Sin is an awful reality and fact; only a fool or willful liar would deny its existence and prevalence. Read the following Scriptural references as to the condition of the natural heart.
1. Evil only. Gen. 6:5.
2. Of little worth. Prov. 10:20.
3. Is perverse. Prov. 12:8.
4. Proud. Prov. 16:5.
5. Deceitful. Jer. 17:9.
6. Gather iniquity. Psa. 41:6. The natural heart sins, lies, steals, backbites, slanders, hates, kills, covets, desecrates the Sabbath, stays away from Church services, scorns God, righteousness and the righteous, breaks all of God's laws and influences others to do the same.
7. The understanding is darkened. Eph. 4:18.
8. The mind and conscience are defiled. Titus 1:15.
9. The will is enslaved. Rom. 7:18.
10. The race is in bondage to Satan, sin and death. Jno. 8:31-36.

It is necessary to get a clear conception of sin. If we do not, we will likely undervalue personal salvation and misrepresent the atonement. Sin is seen in every walk of life, and the commonness of sin does away with the awfulness of it. You should shun sin like you would a rattlesnake or a mad dog.

I. Kinds of sin.
1. Inherited sin, inborn and inbred.
2. Actual sins -- acts of sins we commit.
3. Sins of omission -- duties you leave undone. Things you neglect to do that are vitally essential and necessary such as donating to charity, going to Church services, daily devotions, Bible reading, prayer, tithes, etc.
4. Sins of commission things you should not do such as returning evil for evil and many others, synonymous with actual sins.
5. Sins of presumption -- sins we boldly commit against light presuming we'll get by. There is always a way into sin but it's mighty hard to find a way out.

II. Cure for sin -- the blood cure is the only remedy the author knows anything about.
1. Jesus solves the sin problem.
2. In regeneration, we receive the forgiveness of actual sins, sins of commission, omission, and presumption.
3. In sanctification the principle of sin is removed, root and branch, the heart being purified from all sin and filled with the Holy Ghost.

III. What becomes of our sins.
1. Nailed to the cross. Col. 2:14.
2. Blotted out. Isa. 44:22.
3. Behind His back. Isa. 38:17.
4. Removes them as far as the East is from the West. Psa. 103:12.
5. Will not remember your sins. Isa. 43:25.
6. Forgotten. Heb. 10:17.
7. In the depth of the sea. Micah 7:19.
8. Remitted. Acts 10:43.

The blood can wash away actual sins and cleanse from inbred sin. If a person has to sin that makes the devil stronger than God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Such folly!
1. Sin is an act or state or violation of righteousness.
2. Sin is an insult to the veracity of God.
3. Sin makes us unlike God.
4. The thought of foolishness is sin.
5. A high look, a proud heart is sin.
6. If you have respect of persons you commit sin. Three letters spell all the misery and heartaches of the world -- SIN. God would not put up with sin in Heaven -- or in Eden; neither will He put up with sin today in His children or in the Church.

I. It is natural for sinners to try to hide.
1. Adam and Eve hid in the Garden.
2. Children will hide their naughty ways.
3. Savage nations have no knowledge of God but a sense of guilt.
4. The greater the light the harder you will try to hide your sins.

The greater your intellectual attainments, the greater your responsibility. A greater influence will make your responsibility greater.

II. Awfulness of hiding sin.
1. It hardens the sinner.
2. It blinds to facts.
3. It is dangerous to others.

Fire that melts gold and silver makes clay hard. The truth that melts the heart that receives it hardens the heart that rejects it.

III. Sin will come to light sooner or later.
1. A great deal will come out in this life.
2. The balance will come out at the Judgment.

Deliverance From Sin Promised
1. Deliverance from the guilt of sin. You may go through forms, promise to do better, be pronounced all right by the preacher and go your way. But unless God has spoken peace the guilt remains. Pardon will remove your condemnation and you will stand acquitted before the Eternal Judge.
2. Deliverance from the power of sin. Regeneration breaks the power of sin and you become a new creature so you can resist wrong.
3. Deliverance from the being of sin. David said, "I was born in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me." If David was born in sin we may logically infer all people are, irrespective of their creed or color.
If Isaiah could get rid of inbred sin during his lifetime, we may look forward to deliverance during our lifetime.

Justification does away with the guilt and condemnation of sin. Regeneration does away with the power of sin. Sanctification does away with the being of sin.
1. Sin reigns in the sinner.
2. Sin remains in the unbeliever.
3. Sin is entirely taken out of the sanctified.

"Sin no more lest a worse thing come upon thee." Jno. 5:4. This is a picture of every sinner, He had an infirmity. Do you ? This infirmity had a three-fold effect. It affected mind, body, and soul. He was perfectly helpless; could not cure himself. He needed the double-cure. Do you? Doctors and all sources had failed him for thirty-eight years. He was put there but could not getaway. You try to get loose from sin but cannot. The sins of yesterday will damn you unless forgiven. He was in need and conscious of it. If you know you are lost your ease is hopeful. There was one ahead of him and according to the custom he would have to wait a year.
But you do not need to wait.
He accepted the first message. Did you?
You would be better if you had.
Excuse! "Nobody to put me in."
There's a great need of personal workers today.
"Wilt thou be made whole ?"
"Arise, take up thy bed and walk."
The worse is yet to come if you do sin.
God demands cooperation.
1. Resist sin.
2. Confess it.
3. Forsake it.
4. Sin no more.

Your Sin Will Be Uncovered. Num. 32:23.
1. Sin blights, blasts, curses, and damns.
2. Do you know any fruits of sin? Bums, thugs, liars, drunkards, and prostitutes.
3. Sin destroys manhood, womanhood and the home.
4. Sin blights character, ruins nations and damns souls.
5. Sin killed the prophets.
6. Sin persecuted the church.
7. Sin crucified the Son of God.
8. Sin is universal.

In this life of uncertainty one thing is certain, "Your sins will find you out," for God will pull the cover off sooner or later. Your secret sins will find you out and that pet sin will be uncovered, also.
1. The laws of God will locate the sinner.
2. Conscience will expose you.
3. God's truth will expose the sinner.
4. Parents' sins may find them out in their children.
5. Sickness often brings confession from the sinner.
6. Death is often instrumental in exposing the sinner.
7. Unconfessed sins will find you out at the Judgment Bar of God.
8. The blood-covering is the only cover for your sins. Now is the time to seek the Lord as there will be no mourner's bench at the Judgment.
Leprosy and Sin II Kings 5:1-14.

The sinful nature of the unsaved and unsanctified is illustrated by the disease of leprosy often seen in Oriental countries.
1. Hereditary. Sin is handed down to every member of the human race; not only are we tainted but badly wrecked by the fall.
2. It usually has a small beginning -- that profane swearer, no doubt, trembled at his first oath. But now he swears and is unaware of the fact unless told.
3. It is often innocent in its first appearance but nothing to cause alarm. Such insignificant manifestations. Sin has a small beginning. But he who goes into a life of sin goes on a long journey and knows not where the end is thereof.
4. It increases rapidly. A youngster goes into sin until he becomes bold and hardened by sin. He soon loses all sense for sin and shame until sin becomes his delight.
5. It is contagious. Often one sinful life will corrupt the whole community.
6. Separation necessary. A separation is necessary here but final separation hereafter.
7. It disqualifies. Leprosy the same as sin disqualifies us for useful service to others.
8. It finally becomes a stench in our own nostrils as well as those of others. If one will but stop and think they will become disgusted with sin.
9. There is no human help for either leprosy or sin. It is divine help or we go unaided.
10. There are final results to both leprosy and sin --death. The only remedy for sin is Christ the Savior.

Naaman the Leper
Naaman was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. He was the idol of his people. Physically, he was a giant, very strong and had all the qualities of a general, a victorious general. Naaman was popular, prosperous in business, had every longing satisfied, had climbed to the highest pinnacle of political honor and military success but he was a leper.
1. Naaman was a great man.
2. He was a rich man.
3. He was an honorable man.
4. He was a famous man.
5. He was a mighty captain.
6. He was a man of ability.
7. He was a successful man.
8. But he was a leper

I. Naaman had a malady and so do we.
1. He was a leper; leprosy is a type of sin.
2. Leprosy is hereditary, so is sin.
3. Leprosy is contagious, so is sin.
4. Leprosy separates from society, sin separates from God.
5. The human family has a malady, sin inherited and sin by choice.
6. The symptoms of sin are poverty, crime, war, sickness, hate, broken homes, and death.

II. Naaman needed a cure, so do we.
1. He knew his condition was fatal.
2. Sooner or later all sinners come face to face with a more dreadful disease.
3. Sin has blighted, blasted and ruined the lives of millions.
4. The world needs a definite cure.
5. Naaman was invited to be cured by the prophet; the sinner is invited to be saved by Christ.

III. Naaman sought a remedy, so do we.
l. Naaman had wealth to offer for his healing.
2. Humanity tries every way but God's way; religion, education, environment heredity, culture, refinement, and creeds; but all these fail.

IV. Naaman had God's prescription, so do we.
1. He found the prophet of God and heard the requirements for cleansing.
2. He was a great, honorable, and mighty man of valor but had to be made humble.
3. There's a remedy for Adam's race if they seek God wholeheartedly and humbly.

V. Naaman got peeved and so do many when under conviction.
1. He thought the muddy Jordan River was not good enough for him to wash in.
2. Naaman thought it was in the water but it was in his obedience.
3. Many turn back when they learn they must confess, repent, and make restitution.
4. Some become angry at Bible standards.

Naaman had a weak link in the chain of his character; a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. He was a man of pride and vanity and could not stand the strain of praise. So God allows defects to be associated with greatness. Naaman was a mighty captain, but a miserable leper.

VI. Naaman had to come God's way, so do we.
l. Could dip seven times and be saved or go on and be lost. Naaman objected to the terms.
2. Christ is the only solution for the sin problem.
3. It will pay you to be cured God's way.

"God's way is the best way."
Don't turn down Jesus. Don't spurn the Spirit. Don't trample on the blood. Don't neglect Bible truth, If you do eternal punishment will be yours.

The Tendency of Sin
The modern tendency is to talk lightly of sin and of its guilt, and excuse the sinner because of his infirmities, short comings and imperfections. People seem to forget that sin, (even one sin)destroys spiritual life, and enthrones a selfish spirit in its stead. The compromising view is to forget the purpose of the atonement made by Jesus Christ upon the cross, hence the real purpose for which He came is entirely overlooked. The average man is a great sinner; therefore a great sinner needs and demands a great Savior.
Sin separates the sinner from among the pure. It compels him to dwell in the society of those who are like himself. This is the inevitable tendency of sin. In this world the separation is but partial. But in the other world the separation will be complete and final. All sinners will go to one world and Christians to another. Just as the law of Moses shut all of the lepers out of the ancient Jerusalem, so the law of God will shut all sinners out of the new Jerusalem. Your sins have separated you and your God and if not washed away with the blood of Christ, they will separate you from Heaven.
Sin is incurable from a human point of view. No man can save himself. Sin cannot be cured by nature. Art, science, and medicine will not eradicate sin from the soul of man. Sin cannot be cured by the power of the will, or by self-denial, or by ceremonies, or by sacraments, or by good works. The sinner may put on a robe of respectability and self righteousness. He may scrape off some bad habits by the vigorous use of the Turkish towel of culture and education; he may paint himself with the outward morality but he is a sinner still. The doom of sin is more dreadful than to die the death of a leper. Unless you are born again, you have that loathsome, incurable, deadly disease, the Bible calls sin.
Having never been saved you are a sinner whether you are conscious of it or not. You maybe rich. in the goods of this world, you may be honorable, you may be well-bred and well-born, educated and refined; you may be charitable and generous, yet you are a sinner.
You must confess and ask forgiveness of those you have wronged; be willing to make a public confession; be willing to go to the altar and if necessary kneel between the poorest and the vilest persons in town. You will have to let Him save you His way. If there is anything you don't want to do you will surely have to do it to get saved.

Sin Separates
1. Sin separates a mail from his friends.
2. Sin separates a man from his true and best self.
3. Sin separates from peace of mind.
4. Sin separates a man from God.

Where is sin not found? The dark shadows of sin fall everywhere across the world, Sin is as universal as human nature and as eternal as human history.

1. Peter acted like he was the friend of Christ.
2. Peter warmed himself by another's fire.
3. Peter's speech betrayed him.
4. Peter followed afar off.
5. Peter denied his Lord.

Peter's Six Downward Steps
"And he denied Him." Luke 22:57. When Peter said, I will die before I will deny my Savior, he did not realize the strength of sin, carnality and the devil.
I. Doing and saying things out of the spirit. He rebukes the Savior. Mk. 8:32.

II. Self-confidence and failing to take advice. Indications of the carnal mind.

III. Failing to take time to pray. He went down so easy.

IV. Yielding to self-indulgence.
Sleeping on duty at a tragic hour. Luke 22:45. He warmed himself by the devil's fire. Matt. 14:67. Hence, we look for him to jump the track in the future.

Churches have lost three elements:
1. Spirit of prayer.
2. Spirit of sacrifice.
3. Passion for souls.

V. Bad company.
When Christians cease association with Christians and begin to take a part in politics and such like, next you may expect them to curse and swear.

VI. He followed afar off.
He was not partial about who preached to him, man or woman, white or black, Methodist or Baptist.
He was convicted by a short discourse from a rooster. Some want to go uptown to church only.
But Peter received a great message from a chicken house.
He did not go out to sign a card and join a church but went out and wept bitterly, and on to Pentecost. "And Peter followed Him afar off." Matt. 26:58.
Some use this text as a whip to whip backsliders. As a rule it is not wise to pick out the darkest day in a man's life as an index to his character.
a. The fact that Peter followed his Lord.
b. The way in which he followed Him.
c. The purpose for which he followed Him.

To be fair we must give a broader view than a single day's transaction.
Bible brings out dark and bright -- good and bad.
You no doubt have a day in your life you would be ashamed for someone to put before the congregation and should you recite a certain day, someone would say you are boasting.
We have rough places and dark hours we do not care to discuss.

Three distinct Epochs in His Life
1. Peter, the Galilean fisherman, before he met the Lord.
2. Peter, the disciple of Jesus, after he forsook the fishing net.
3. Peter, after Pentecost, until his death.

He was a born leader,
He who is content to go behind, God will never make go before.
Start a dozen men to a certain place, they would not go very far until one would be in the lead.
After the Resurrection in the darkest hour, Peter said, "I go a fishing."
Other disciples said, "We also go with thee."
He was an honest doubter seeking the truth.
An honest man and an impulsive man.
One among the last conversations Christ had with him, He said, "Satan hath desired to have you, that he might sift you as wheat."
A life never rises higher than its faith.
After he saw Jesus walk on the water, he said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
After denying his Lord, he went out and wept bitterly. He made a high profession but poorly carried it out.
Unconditional consecration qualifies for the coming of the Holy Ghost.
No doubt someone said, "You are the man that denied the Lord." "I am, but I wept bitterly and prayed ten days after that before Pentecost."
Have you put all on the altar and are you waiting for the fire to fail?
Great was the fall of Peter, but still greater was his repentance. Peter went out and wept bitterly.
Have you repented and wept bitterly? Who will repent and do it now?

He went out of a free will. He went out into the night. He went to his own place.
It was a place of gloom, of guilt, of remorse, of loneliness, and of despair, but it was his own place. It was the house he had built; he laid the foundation; he raised the beams; he built the rooms; he decorated the walls and went to his own place. "He went immediately out and it was night." Jno. 13:30.
The dying hour of a sinner is dreadful. But what might a dying hour mean for a man like Judas who had betrayed his Lord? There was a time when he enjoyed sweet fellowship and friendship with his Lord; heard His stirring messages and powerful discourses, observed miracles He performed, yet be made his decision and departed into the night. Night that is referred to here was the darkness that settled down at the close of the day. But the darkness he went out into was darker and blacker than night. It was the night of sin. Judas is now departing from Christian fellowship of his Lord and disciples and enters into midnight darkness of sin. His departure was voluntary.
He left the upper room where Jesus and His disciples were eating the last Passover together. He was not forced to leave but left on his own will. When you leave Jesus, you will on your own accord. Jesus never drives a soul away but Judas voluntarily departed into the night.
A choice between Christ and thirty pieces of silver.
A choice between the love of God and the judgments of God.
A choice between Heaven and Hell.

His departure was expensive.
I. Cost him the company and friendship of Jesus, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and the Morning Star.

II. Cost him God's blessing and approval. After the sop, Satan entered into him. Jno. 13:27.

III. It cost him the blessing of eternal life. He sold him for thirty pieces of silver. His departure was into the night.
1. It was the night of the betrayal Judas went out into the dark and found a blood thirsty mob. Jesus and disciples went into the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed and He sweat as it were great drops of blood. Judas knew where they were and he went to the garden and the angry mob followed him. There Judas placed a kiss of betrayal upon Jesus and left Him in the hands of a wicked mob.
2. The night of a Christless soul.
Darkness and gloom settled down upon Judas; now, he has no Savior to help, sympathize and pilot him over life's tempestuous sea.
3. The night of a guilty soul. No doubt his mind runs back to the awful night of the betrayal.
4. The night of a fruitless repentance.
Judas acknowledged tile crime and brought back the thirty pieces of silver and said, "I have betrayed innocent blood." Our sins must he confessed to Christ to get forgiveness.
"None other name under Heaven given among men."
5. The night of death. His confession to the high priest did not satisfy a guilty conscience. Hoping to end all, he went out and hanged himself.
He died to a world of opportunity.
To a God Who could save and to a Christ Who could forgive.
His departure resulted in eternal night.
His trouble did not cease.
But only his torment intensified.

I. Judas was in the night of sad memories.
1. Memories of the love of God he rejected.
2. Memories of the warnings he did not heed.
3. Memories of the pleading of the Spirit he refused.
4. Memories of the opportunities he had lost.
5. Memories to hound him throughout eternity.

II. The night of eternal disappointment.
1. Had received his last call from God.
2. Had felt his last pull of the Spirit.
3. Had lost his last opportunity.

He is disappointed because:
a. He betrayed his Lord.
b. He did not repent.
c. He lost his soul.
d. He missed Heaven.

III. The night of eternal punishment.
1. Punished by a stinging conscience.
2. By the shrieks of the lost.
3. By the wails of despair.
4. By the fires of damnation.
a. No star of hope,
b. No ray of light,
c. No spark of love,
d. No voice of help,
e. No hand of mercy,

Will ever be offered to his lost soul.
Darkest Picture in the Bible, Matt. 26:14-27.
He had ability as a disciple.
He was one of the twelve.
Judas had the confidence of the disciples and of his Master.
He carried the money.
He sold Jesus for thirty pieces of silver--price of a common slave.
He loved money and sold His Savior to get it.

Why He Fell
1. Because of his covetous desires.
2. Because he would not give.
3. Because he lost self-control.
4. Because he betrayed innocent blood.

Judas knew where the place of prayer was.
1. He confessed his sin.
2. He repented but it was too late.
3. He made restitution.
4. He carried the money back.
5. He testified Jesus Christ was innocent.
6. He had a guilty conscience.
7. He had upon him God's woe.

1. His character: A betrayer; Satan possessed, and dishonest.
2. His privilege: He was acquainted with Jesus, sat under His ministry, and saw His miracles.
3. His warning: "Woe is that man." Mark 14:21.
4. His action: "He went out." Jno. 13:30.
5. His doom: "To a suicide's grave." Matt. 27:5.
6. His abode: "He went to his own place." Acts 1:25.

A Sad Night for a Backslider Jno. 13:30.
I. Judas had a day:
1. Of Christ's call to him.
2. Of conversion from sin.
3. Of companionship with Jesus.
4. Of fellowship with His people.
5. Of opportunity in service.
6. Of bright hopes for the future.

II. Judas went out:
1. From communion with Jesus.
2. From association with the disciples.
3. From his position in the cause.
4. From the Christian joy.
5. From perhaps a martyr's crown.
6. From eternal life and bliss.

III. And it was night:
1. Of a fatal decision.
2. Of a dastardly deed.
3. Of a terrible remorse.
4. Of a haunting memory.
5. Of a shameful death.
6. Of eternal despair.

The same Christ Who was denied by Peter and betrayed by Judas, crowned by thorns, and crucified between two thieves, has built a bridge of reconciliation by which the sinner can comeback to God.
The deep need of the human race calls for more than human power -- Divine. This need is as high as Heaven and as deep as hell and as universal as mankind. This aching void is felt by all mankind. There is a great unbridged gulf, an unspanned chasm between man and God. The natural man looks for something he knows not what. They have looked the world over and found no relief. Philosophers have groped about in the dim light of natural religion and have only found fragments of truth to increase their sense of need but satisfaction they have never found. Sinai calls for a middle man -- a divine Christ. Noah was a perfect man in his generation but he could not bridge the chasm. Enoch was a good man, walking with God three hundred years but he could not bridge the chasm. Abraham was the father of the faithful; a friend of God, but could not bridge the chasm. Job was a perfect and an upright man but he could not bridge the chasm.
When the whole world was speeding to hell and ruin, Christ arrested and brought us back to mercy and hope. Like a link on a chain, He made the connection that brought us back. He spanned the gulf and established a wireless connection and Heaven is no longer far away. "Has been made nigh by the blood of Christ." The gulf has really been bridged for you and me.
Jesus Christ built a reinforced concrete abutment on Calvary and swung the bridge across to the one already built on the other side and opened communication and transportation between earth and the world on high. This marvelous accomplishment established and proclaimed His Divinity. This bridge is wonderful in that it reaches back to the Garden of Eden and forward to the Great White Throne.

Contrasts Between Mistakes and Sin
A mistake is not so dangerous as a sin. The difference is vital. Mr. A says, "I think I saw the author of this book yesterday smoking a cigarette, and I am sorry for I did not think he would smoke." Mr. B said, "I saw the author of this book yesterday smoking a cigarette, and it was just like I expected because I thought he would if he had a chance." Now who was correct? Both were wrong. I never smoked a cigarette yesterday, nor any other time, for I never smoked a cigarette in my life. Both told an untruth. Did they lie? One did; the other did not. One thought the man he saw was the author of this book, and the other knew he was not. One intended to tell the truth; the other intended to tell an untruth. The difference was in the intention.
A sin proceeds from an evil principle in the heart and the consent of the will to do what you know is wrong, while a mistake is due to a lack of understanding.
Sin is a fact, universal in its sweep; terrible and awful in its effects.
When saved from sin, you should advance the cause of God; bring about needed reforms and overthrow existing evils.
Folks may doubt the fact of being saved from sin, but the fact remains the same. Men may reject salvation from sin, but the provision made by Jesus remains the same. Men may spurn it but that does riot alter the fact. There are not enough devils in hell, or skeptics on earth or opposers in the Church to rob Christ of His power to save men from sin.
The world is preoccupied with money-making and pleasure seeking and refuse to attend Church or come to the Lord for salvation from sin.

Sin in the Flesh
Howard Sweeden says, "Sin is never located in matter; sin is strictly a malady of the soul, although the body has suffered the consequences of a sinful soul within. If sin were a body malady, an expert surgeon might locate and remove it; if sin is in the body, then to lose a limb, or a portion of the body would simply mean that our sinfulness had been decreased accordingly. An accident in which we lose a part of the body in this ease, should be looked upon as a providential blessing, for it has reduced our sinfulness. If our measure of sin be according to avoirdupois, then a small man is slightly a sinner, while a two hundred pounder would be as mean as the devil. We have often heard the expression, 'Nobody loves a fat man.' Perhaps this is a solution to the mystery. If sin is in the body, what we want is not soul cleansing but body reduction: not the blood of Christ, but a good dose of anti-fat! According to this hypothesis, a one-armed, one-legged, toothless, bald-headed man has almost reached perfection. This is ridiculous, but it illustrates the folly of some who contend the body must sin."

Sin and Humility
Doctor Daniel Steele says, "Some one may ask, 'Is not sin in the heart necessary to keep the soul humble? Will not spiritual pride lift itself up as soon as sin is destroyed?' As well might you ask whether a man would lift up his head haughtily when his neck had been broken. The Holy Spirit, taking complete possession of the heart, not only breaks the neck of sin, but casts out this strong man, leaving no seed of pride behind. Perfect love to Christ is perfect lowliness. When it is demonstrated that a man must drink a little whiskey daily in order to be temperate, steal a trifling amount every day in order to be honest, tell a few fibs every twenty-four hours in order to be truthful, and occasionally violate the seventh commandment that they may maintain their purity, then we will sit down and soberly answer the objection that a little nest-egg of sin in the heart is a necessary nucleus about which all the Christian virtues are to be gathered."

Cleansing From All Sin
W. E. Shepherd says, "Suppose a garment were spotted with ink, and it were put through a process which cleansed from all ink, how much ink would remain? Now, if a statement were made to the effect that there was no ink left, would there be any self-deception in that? On the same principle, then, if the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, how much sin, is left?"
There are two things we should thank God for: first, is that He does not let sin go unpunished; second, He has pardoning grace and is ever holding before your tearful eyes a vision of higher achievements.
You may have many friends who will prove to be friendly in times of distress and need but only one who will stand by us in the hour of danger and that is Jesus, your Savior and mine.
The very first characteristic of a Christian is genuine obedience to Christ and no one can obey Him unless they have received the New Birth; then, if we do not walk with Him in obedience it will he only a matter of time until we will be unheard and unseen.
A consciousness of sins forgiven and fellowship with Jesus Christ will give you a burden for lost souls. Now if you have no burden let not false pride keep you from being a seeker with your whole heart and when you are yourself, converted you will be of service to your brethren.

Sin and Salvation
Jesus Christ handling the sin problem becomes our hope for time and for eternity. By His help we sing a song of hope in a world of despair. We can sing a song of triumph in a world defeated by its own devices. To be saved from sin and to know Him is life eternal. To walk with Him and fellowship Him is glorious now and eternal felicity in the Kingdom to come.
We are considered a rich nation and a powerful government. Not withstanding world conditions are the most serious of all history. As a nation we have forgotten God and have become ungodly, irreligious and profane. We need someone to call this nation back to God, to Christ, to the manger, and to the cross. This nation needs to become humble, acknowledge her sins, confess them, and forsake them. "If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chron. 7:14.
Let us look forward to the time when He, the Prince of Peace, will come and put an end to the sin question as we fight for this holy cause let us not forget to keep His commandments. The holy Sabbath has been universally turned into a day of desecration. You will find along the American highway ads which have lowered women to the level of the brothel. Will all this destruction, desecration, and immorality bring us again to our knees in humble confession to Almighty God? May the Lord in compassion look down upon us and have mercy upon us in these awful days.

Our repentance demands four points:
1. The knowledge of sin.
2. A godly sorrow for sin.
3. Confession of sin.
4. The abandonment of sin.

Let us carefully read the above facts and then prayerfully heed them.
Confession of sin must often be made to both God and man. There are but few who have not in some way sinned against their fellow man; by taking advantage in business: by the malicious use of the tongue; by evil temper or by evil intention. Hence, the demand that wrongs committed against man and His maker must be confessed to both. A life of sin against God and man can not be settled privately. God will not be glorified in removing a record of sins unconfessed. The man
who has failed to meet the claims of God is thereby disqualified to fulfill the measures of his duties to his fellow man.
The penitent will find it impossible to exercise saving faith in Christ, until he reaches utter abandonment of sin, Submission to God is the prerequisite to receive Jesus as your Savior. The sinner may pray, but God wants submission; he may weep and agonize, but God demands submission; he may go to the altar but God will have submission. The sinner may join the Church and reform and not submit to divine authority. He may promise obedience for the future but God demands obedience now. Let us impress every inquirer with the truth, that present insubordination means future damnation. Rebellion must die, or the rebel is doomed. Years of prayer and struggle will amount to nothing unless you submit to God. Seems some had rather cross the continent on foot, or circumnavigate the globe in order to be saved rather than submit to God. But nothing short of a present, absolute and unconditional surrender to God will save your soul from the horrors of the second death.

Sin may be overcome and forgiven. There is only one method by which we may defeat and overcome sin. God Himself gives us the secret; it is through His only begotten Son. This is God's way, a good way and it must be our way.
There is no second choice. God wants to put an end to sin through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son. Our redemption is purchased through His Son in the gift of Himself. Hands of hate, hearts full of sin marred and mangled by the fall are in need of just such a Savior. Many waters cannot quench divine love nor stay its course. Persecution enlarges its borders and increases its boundary lines. Through the death of Jesus, God breaks the bands of sin that infinite love might fill the entire earth. If forgiveness, mercy and love can reconcile a man to God, surely there are proofs and hopes for man to be reconciled to man. This is the law "of reconciliation whether reconciling man to God, or man to man or, it may be the securing of broken fellowship between embittered neighbors.
God's answer for the sin problem is Calvary. The Son of God hangs upon a tree. The Redeemer of mankind dies upon a cross. The Prince of Life is put to death. What punishment shall avail for such a deed, and how shall God reply to the crown of thorns upon the brow of His Son and the nail prints in His hands? God's answer from Calvary was that Jesus should come forth from the grave as the Savior of all men from all sin. Yes, the stump of sin must come out including the last root. Now God places His Son in the Heavens to make intercession for us, where His prayers may avail for a lost and guilty race. Ten days later He sent Pentecost with its rushing wind and tongues of fire accompanying the advent of the Holy Comforter who brought the love of God and a holy life in magnificent power, in purity and fullness to bless the race that nailed their Messiah to a cross and thereby opened a fountain whose cleansing stream can wash the accursed stains of sin from every guilty heart.
May every reader of this book find an altar of prayer and there wait before God in prayer and repentance until you find peace and pardon and then I urge you to climb the stairway into the upper room where the mighty wind of Pentecost blows, where tongues of fire sit upon every brow, and receive a heart purified from sin, flooded with perfect love, and filled with all the fullness of God.
Some Facts Concerning Sin
The more sin there is in a man, the more he will growl around the home and at the table.
If you want to be angry and sin not, be angry at nothing but sin.
The sprouts of sin from a depraved heart may ruin happiness, make home desolate and help drench the earth in blood.
No one would be willing to live in sin one day unless stone blind to God's truth.
The way of the transgressor is hard if he does ride in an expensive car.
Don't think you have no sin because you have no conscience.
God will not smile upon you as long as you smile upon sin.
You will let God separate you from sin, or sin will separate you from God.
A religion that does not save you from sin now will not save you from the consequences of sin later.
Sin sows the seeds of sorrow and suffering and the dividends of sin are sorrow and suffering.
A sheep dreads the mud, but a hog wallows in it; so a Christian hates sin, but a sinner delights in it.
To enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season may mean to endure the pangs of hell for all eternity.
Prayer will make you leave off sinning, or sinning will make you leave off prayer. When a man gets under conviction for sin he is a misery to himself and is unpleasant to have around unless he wants to get saved.
God did not give His Son to bring us political or economical freedom but freedom from sin. Philosophers are still trying to explain away sin.
Sin blights, blasts, and damns. It is back of all misery. sorrow, heartaches, and disappointments.
Let us set the fire of divine love to the stubble of sin.
Sin in the heart is like sand in the eyes; will cause trouble until gotten rid of.
When you get into some disgraceful sin, the devil will get out an extra edition.
Creation makes us a little lower than the angels, while sin has left its mark upon some until they are not much better than demons.
Sin brings sorrow, pain, suffering and death but Jesus came that we might have life and that more abundantly.
Sin has its disappointments and from sin's disappointments came His appointment.
Sin will automatically close the door of Heaven to all who love and practice it.
To say we are bound to sin you are fairly throwing dust in the eyes of reason and spitting in the face of common sense.
Nothing ails humanity but sin, and holiness is the only remedy for sin.
Sin is just the same today as ever. It has caused every tear, heart-ache, and is responsible for all suffering that has come to the human family. It is just as black, wrecking, and damning as ever. It bores, binds, blinds, grinds, and disappoints. It is at the bottom of all trouble. It will blast your hopes, degrade your desires, fire your passions, pollute your influence, stain your character, shatter your intellect, sear your conscience, curse you in life and damn you eternally in hell hereafter.

"See yonder man in the prison he dwells, Sin is to blame, sin is to blame; List to the story he plaintively tells, Sin is to blame for all.
Sin is to blame for all sorrow, Sin is to blame, sin is to blame; Have you no hope for tomorrow? Sin is to blame for it all.
Many dear children are crying for bread, Sin is to blame, sin is to blame; Father's a drunkard and mother is dead, Sin is to blame for all.
Heart-broken mothers all sad and alone, Sin is to blame, sin is to blame; Helpless and needy, no place to call home, Sin is to blame for all.
Thousands refuse to accept His free grace, Sin is to blame, sin is to blame; All who reject Him have chosen their place, Sin is to blame for all."
-- J. H. V.