Dr. Russell V. DeLong was reared in a New England parsonage and as a young man had planned a business career. But the call of God to the Christian ministry became so insistent that he was led to consecrate his life and talents to that work. He was ordained in 1926 and in the same year was called to the faculty of Northwest Nazarene College. The following year he was elected president of that institution, serving in that capacity for 12 years. With sound scholarship and wide experience, Dr. DeLong combines a fervency of spirit and an evangelistic zeal that has made him outstanding in the field of evangelism. His radio ministry on the "Showers of Blessing" broadcast gradually extended to a world-wide scope.


Chapter 1 - Mastering Our Midnights
Chapter 2 - All or Nothing
Chapter 3 - Love in Four Dimensions
Chapter 4 - He Who Walks Toward the Sun Never Travels in Shadows
Chapter 5 - What Then?
Chapter 6 - The Citadel of the Soul
Chapter 7 - The Tap on the Shoulder
Chapter 8 - The Wounds of Christ
Chapter 9 - The Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter 10 - Is Life Closing In on You?
Chapter 11 - You Can't Divorce Your Self
Chapter 12 - There Is Someone in the Bible Like You
Chapter 13 - Youth: Ours But Once
Chapter 14 - Lost Control
Chapter 15 - Out at Home
Chapter 16 - The Greatest World-wide Vice
Chapter 17 - Top Priorities -- Imperative Firsts
Chapter 18 - Imptaitging, and Devil-Begotten Spirit
Chapter 19 - Famous Prayers
Chapter 20 - Do You Keep a Box Score on Yourself?
Chapter 21 - The Tide Lifts Ships
Chapter 22 - If I Should Die Before I Live
Chapter 23 - Are You Majoring in Minors?


Chapter 1 - Now That The War Is Over
Chapter 2 - Eight Standards For True Religion
Chapter 3 - The Alluring Attraction Of The Cross
Chapter 4 - The Uniqueness Of The Bible
Chapter 5 - Five Steps From Sin To Salvation
Chapter 6 - The Glory Of Christ's Departure
Chapter 7 - Is Life Worth The Living?
Chapter 8 - Christ Or Chaos?


Chapter 1 - There Are No Moral Accidents
Chapter 2 - Eight Tests Of True Religion
Chapter 3 - The Uniqueness Of Christ
Chapter 4 - The Signs Of The Times
Chapter 5 - The Halfway Covenant
Chapter 6 - The Changeless Christ
Chapter 7 - Decaying Foundations
Chapter 8 - What's Right With The Church
Chapter 9 - Simplifying A Difficult Word
Chapter 10 - Greatest Danger Confronting The Church


Chapter 1 - The Quest For Certainty