In closing you will find this young man's testimony a confirmation that sanctification is real and accomplishes a definite work in one's life.

"... then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea" -- Isa. 48:18. "... and there was a great calm" -- Matt. 8:26.

Praise the Lord for His goodness to the children of men! Last night I received a wonderful experience of Sanctification! My heart has been rejoicing all day, and I want to tell you what great things the Lord has done for me!

As I was praying it seemed that my heart was sincere and contrite before the Lord. All my struggles had not availed, and I cried brokenly to Jesus to somehow help me, and give me a real "washing" of the Word! Then I began to see how much the Lord loves us, with such an everlasting love. My mind became lost in meditation, and I could see Jesus breathing upon the disciples, saying, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." This had a great meaning to me, perhaps like a gentle wind that brings peace. Then I saw the sea, calm as glass, with the moon reflecting on the surface. Then a broad river, peacefully flowing by; and next a quiet pool, deep in the heart of the woods somewhere. I don't know how it happened, but this PEACE entered into my very soul! It just came right in, and calmed all the turmoil and unrest of so many months! What a glorious Gospel! Now I know why the Bible says so much about peace and quietness, about resting in the Lord. I believe the Lord sent rest in place of restlessness, and peace in place of troubled waters.

Today was a wonderful day at work. Many things happened, but not once did that sense of peacefulness down inside leave me!

Only God knew how much I have needed this! I have often felt like David, when he said his sore ran in the night. My inner life has been one long battle this past year, even after the Lord definitely delivered me from sin. He has indeed taught me many things, and yet that inadequacy and betrayal of Self within my heart has been a grief of mind to me, T believe nearly every moment of the day. At times I have almost resigned myself to it, feeling there must be no deliverance. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness! But I think that anyone who has once tasted the blessed fruit of holiness will always be unhappy until they find it once more. My, how great is God's power. My faith has surely been at a low ebb, with enemies without and within. The aspect of water and cleansing are wonderful and deep. I can really see it in the Word; but as plain as it is to me now, and clear. I can see that it is hidden to most people in its true significance. Only, I think, as we begin to hunger and thirst after righteousness, and tarry before the Lord, will He reveal Himself fully to our hearts. Praise His Name!

It seems there is a new love in my heart. Rather than a great emotional upheaval, my experience was that everything already within me ceased. Oh what a rest our God has provided for the saints. I had really forgotten what it is like to release ourselves and all our works, and enter into rest! Friends, it is my deepest conviction that this is the most needed experience for God's people today! If they only knew how those billows could cease to roll, and a confidence and rest take over in perfect peace! My heart is so full with what I see in Jesus Christ, and His full provision for us, that I can hardly bear it. How different Christianity would be in the world, if all Christians walked in this grace, and great peace of mind! Oh, how the world would desire to inquire deeply into the Gospel! My life in the outer court has been lonely and shallow; for it is within the inner Tabernacle that God's presence dwells.

I'm like David, when he went just a few steps, but couldn't proceed without offering sacrifices of Praise! Bless the Lord, Who has done marvelous things in us, all for His glory. I confess very plainly, that accusations, feelings, discouragements and loneliness have warred constantly within me, seeking my destruction. Furthermore, I have come to realize that they have sprung from a very deep seat within me; so that I couldn't help their appearance. It was this fact in particular that often caused me near-despair: for I wondered if I would ever be free from these, my worst enemies! Now I know there is no deliverance too hard for the Lord. He delights to do it for us, but we are so blinded most of the time to the true extent of His love for us!

Holiness is now a reality to me, and I don't know how I have lasted so long without it. It is PEACE, REST, CALMNESS OF MIND, and happiness of heart.

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