2004 High 157 2005 High 161 2006 High 163 2007 High 163
2004 Low 135 2005 Low 143 2006 Low 151 2007 Low 156
Record High 182 Record Low 57
24 Sept 01 12 Dec 93
01 False Christs
A gentleman in Florida has made news by claiming to
be Christ.
02 Occult
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
03 Satanism:
In England, satanists are believed responsible a series
of sickening "satanic rite" attacks on farm animals.
04 Unemployment:
The US job market shows signs of improvement.
05 Inflation:
Despite pressure from oil, core inflation remains stable.
06 Interest Rates:
Federal Reserve raises the core interest rate to 4.75%
07 The Economy
The economies of The U.S. and Japan show healthy growth.
08 Oil Supply/Price
The price of gasoline leaps by 30 cents per gallon.
09 Debt and Trade:
The U.S. federal budget and trade deficits have declined.
10 Financial unrest
Stock markets around the world suffer large losses.
11 Leadership
The lack of resolve over Iran's nuclear program has
downgraded this category.
12 Drug abuse:
Drug use in teens declines by 11 percent
17 Crime Rate:
Several key American cities sees a large increase in violent
18 Ecumenism
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
19 Globalism
There has been a sharp increase in the amount of globalist
20 Tribulation Temple
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
22 Israel:
A terrorist group threatens Israel with chemical weapons
23 Gog:
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
24 Persia (Iran):
President Bush warned that Iran is seeking to produce nuclear
26 Nuclear Nations
North Korea agrees agrees to stop producing plutonium.
27 Global Turmoil:
The Arab/Israeli conflict has upgraded this category.
28 Arms Proliferation:
North Korea agrees to freeze its nuclear program.
29 Liberalism
Democrats take control of the U.S. Congress
30 The Peace Process:
The EU is trying to revive peace talks between Israel and
the Arabs.
33 Beast Government:
Romania and Bulgaria join the EU.
35 Date Settings
Several organizations have been talking about Iran launching
an attack against Israel on 22 Aug. The claim is based on the
doomsday beliefs of Iran's President.
36 Volcanoes
The lack of activity has downgraded this category.
37 Earthquakes
A sizable quake strikes Indonesia.
38 Wild Weather
Eaurope is hit by the strongest storm in 17 years.
40 Famine:
A peace agreement in Sudan will help relieve a fame caused
by war and drought.
41 Drought
The Drought in Austrlia is a disaster of historic levels.
42 Plagues
World reports of infectious diseases has increased.
43 Climate:
Earth's oceans have cooled in the last three years.
44 Food Supply
The world supply of grain is at a 25 year low.

View the Gulf War
high from 26 Oct 90
View the record
high from 24 Sept 01
View the record
low from 12 Dec 93

The Rapture Index
categories explained

The Purpose For This Index
The Rapture Index has two
functions: one is to factor together a number of related end time
components into a cohesive indicator, and the other is to
standardize those components to eliminate the wide variance that
currently exists with prophecy reporting.
The Rapture Index is by no means
meant to predict the rapture, however, the index is designed to
measure the type of activity that could act as a precursor to the
You could say the Rapture index
is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but I
think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic
speedometer. The higher the number, the faster we're moving
towards the occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture.
Rapture Index of 100 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 100 to 130: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 130 to 160: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 160: Fasten your seat belts
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