Here are some pictures Christine (FloridaCP) took at the Holy Land Experience. It's a 15-acre Christian theme park built by--of all people—millionaire, Marvin Rosenthal. He's the guy that dreamed up the idea for the pre-wrath rapture. It's nice to see Marvin putting his efforts into a more productive mode.

I knew we should have turned left at the Dead Sea Caves.

For $15 million you'd think they could design a stone that didn't look like a giant oatmeal cookie.

Interesting! While you're walking in a model of Jerusalem you can go see a model of the same city.

The only good type press I've ever seen.

God's home away from heaven.

I've been to the old City of Jerusalem, and this one seems to be missing a few things: trash, beggars, and pickpockets.