Is Lucifer Satan’s angelic name?

I ran into this question while doing a study on how the King James Version compares to other Bible translations. The name “Lucifer” is a translation of the Hebrew word heylel. I’ve researched a number of resources, and came up with several definitions for the word. None of them gave me any indication that “Lucifer” was meant to be a proper name for the devil. They translations all have to do with describing a form of light: “shining one,” “morning star,” “bright star,” “splendid star,” or “light bringer.”

The name actually only appears once in the King James Bible: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” (Isa. 14:12 KJV).

I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard a preacher say that Lucifer became Satan when he was cast out of Heaven. Although it is easy to understand how this could have occurred, the Bible gives no indication that a name change took place.